Get Out Of My Head

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Magnus woke up suddenly to the sound of Alec yelling.
"Get out of my head" Alec's hands came up to pull at his hair; he bent over like he was in pain.
"Alexander, you're okay; he's not here. It's only me" Cara had warned them this would happen; he tried to do what she had told him and convince him Dominic wasn't there.
"No, no, no, no, no," Alec muttered, pacing up and down the room.
"Alexander darling, listen to me, you're safe," Magnus said, pulling Alec's hands down.
"No, I'm not," Alec yelled. He tried to pull his hands away from Alec, but Magnus just tightened his grip.
Suddenly Alec's hands felt like they were burning, and Magnus had to let go, but when he looked up, Alec's eyes had shifted to red.
"No, stay away" Alec shrunk down into the corner of the room
"Please, stay away. I don't want to hurt you," Alec said near tears.

The door opened, and Damien came through and looked frantically around the room until his eyes landed on Alec slumped in the corner.
"Alec, it's okay. I'm here" Damien ran up to Alec and grabbed his wrist. Magnus watched in amazement as Alec's eyes slowly faded back to brown.
"It's okay. He's taking away the pain and trying to make Alec stable again," Cara said, coming into the room, Izzy and Jace close behind.
Alec stopped muttering and slowly fell forward into Damien's arms, Damien rubbed soothing circles on his back, and Magnus felt a twinge of Jealousy run through him.

"They seem close," Magnus said after Damien had taken Alec to the infirmary to get some sleeping pills.
"Yeah, they've been best friends forever; Damien was the first person Alec came out to. They tell each other everything.
"They kind of act like boyfriends" Magnus gave a small, sad laugh; he shouldn't feel jealous. Alec can have his own friends.
"Don't worry, Damien's engaged to a warlock named Dominic. Even if he wasn't there like brothers." Cara said, walking off to her own room

The Next Day

"Izzy, gear up. We have a mission," Jace said, walking towards where Izzy and Clary were training.
"Okay, Clary, you coming," Izzy said, putting the practice blades away.
"Sure, what are we going to do about Alec," Clary asked.
"As much as I will miss Alec, he should probably stay here," Jace said
"Yeah, defiantly after last night," Izzy commented
"We can't have him running off or going out of control on a mission. He's way too unstable," Clary said
"True, come on, let's go. I'll tell Magnus to tell him we're on patrol," Izzy said, walking off with Jace and Izzy

Little did they know Alec had come to find them since Magnus was on the phone with a client. They were treating him like he was crazy. Well, if they didn't want him, sure, but getting Magnus to lie, come to think of it, they went on patrol yesterday, was that a lie. Alec was overthinking; he forced a smile on his face and went to find Magnus.

An Hour Later

"So, what is this called again," Alec asked, eating more popcorn.
"Supernatural, darling," Magnus replied, pulling Alec closer to him
"Looks good" Alec leaned back onto Magnus, his head was calm for the first of the time in hours, and he was determined to be normal.
Buzz Buzz
"That's my phone. Let me see it," Alec asked, reaching for his phone.

One New Message from Cara
-Cara = We have a problem; a werewolf pack has Lily; they think she's a werewolf. You feeling up for a rescue.
-Sure, get me away from Magnus
-Cara = Won't Jace and Izzy notice
-They went on a mission without me

"Everything alright, darling" Magnus asked.
"Yeah, just Damien telling me about his and Dominic's wedding floral arrangements," Alec said with an eye roll that made Magnus laugh.
The door opened, and Cara came through,
"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but could I borrow Alec for 20 minutes for his opinion," Cara said
"Of course, Jace wants me to check something they found on patrol," Magnus said, getting up.
"I'll see you later, darling, don't work too hard" Then Magnus left

"Ready to go, Alpha," Cara said, smirking after Magnus was gone
"Of course," Alec said, standing up straight.

When they were walking over to where Lily was, Cara turned to Alec,
"You know you're not crazy, right," Cara said
"Yeah, but I think Jace and everyone else thinks I am. I'm apparently unstable," Alec said, looking down.
"They don't understand; they're not Grimm's" Cara patted Alec's arm, and her eyes flashed purple.
"Thank you, this is why you're my favorite sibling" Cara laughed at that, and they sped up.

At Jade Wolf

"Hi, my name is Maia; I know you are probably sacred, but you can trust us were like you" Maia sat beside the girl who just gave a terrifying look.
"I don't think she'll be talking soon," Said Luke
"Don't worry, she's just scared," Izzy said, and Clary agreed
"It's probably best she stays here," Jace said and received another terrifying look from the girl
"Do you think Valentine attacked her?" Magnus asked
"Maybe we should--" Maia was interrupted by the door slamming open

Everyone was shocked as Alec and Cara walked through the door; they were dressed up in high-class Shadowhunter gear and looked like the definition of badass.
"You are in so much shit," Cara said from behind Alec.
"Alpha, I'm---" Lily was cut off.
"Lily, don't even start. I'm so angry I'm resisting the urge to rip out your throat with my teeth," Alec growled, eyes flashing red.
"Yes, alpha" Lily's head bowed.
"How did this even happen? You revealed yourself to Shadowhunters and werewolves. I'm so disappointed." Alec turned his head away, and Lily looked like she was about to cry
"Alright, you shouted enough to come on, Lily" Cara stepped forward and pulled Lily in for a hug.
"I was so worried about you; never scare me like that again," Alec said, eyes fading back to brown.
"Yes, Alpha," Lily replied, bowing her head.
"Right off you go" Alec gestured his hand towards the door

"What the hell is going on," Luke and Maia asked.
"Sorry, that's Lily; she's a Grimm. We'll deal with her," Cara said, stepping forward
"No, what we were asking about, Alec, you're supposed to stay in the institute," Izzy said, raising her voice.
"I'm not a bloody dog, I have responsibilities, but I guess I'm too unstable," Alec snapped, and Izzy looked away.
"Ok, let's all calm down; we'll head back to the institute, ok," Clary said calmly like she was talking to a rabid wolf.
"First off, don't ever tell me what to do. Secondly, I'm not going to become unstable because you've annoyed me. I become unstable when Dominic decides to play with my brain." Alec growled

Izzy, Jace, and Clary looked shocked, slowly realizing Alec must have heard their conversation. Meanwhile, Magnus had come back in the room after hearing everything and had opened a portal for them to go through.
"Come on, let's go" Cara touched Alec's arm, and he visibly relaxed before they all walked through the portal.

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