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Shouting and bombs sounded throughout the entire base. The alarms blared as a red flickering light kept flashing on and off. Valen knew the Avengers had arrived. It's been expected. They've been taking down Hydra's bases for years. It was only a matter of time before they reached this one.

Valen was locked in a cage sitting on the floor with her hands waiting patiently on her lap. She was a tiny thing, almost looking like a child. But, she was Hydra's pet. Their prize position. Their last resort to protect any and all secrets.

Valen could hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs where she was located. She'd been waiting to be told to go out there and join the fight, but based on the sound of each step took, she knew it wasn't a Hydra member.

She kept her head down until the sound of walking stopped in front of her imprisonment. She slowly lifted her head to see a red and gold metal suit standing in front of her.

"Cap, I think I found something." The man in the suit took off his mask to reveal the one and only Tony Stark.

She knew who he was, she knew every Avenger. She was forced to learn everything about them. Their abilities, fighting tactics, their families, anything.

"Are you okay? I'm going to get you out of here."

Valen nodded her head and let tears roll down her cheeks. A smile crossed her face letting him know she was relieved to finally be able to be set free.

Tony aimed his left-hand blaster at the key access. The blast broke the lock, letting him easily slide the door to the side to free the young girl. When he looked back in the cage, she was gone. Tony looked all around him trying to find out where she went. She couldn't have stepped out without him seeing her first.

All of a sudden a wire was against his throat, pulling hard. He lifted his arms back behind him to hit whatever was choking him. He was hitting someone, but there was no one there to be seen. Almost becoming blue from loss of oxygen, he put both his arms out in front of him and blasted himself backward.

Valen hit the brick wall hard with a groan. She looked up from the floor to see a good-sized crater had taken her place.

Tony could finally see her again. He put his mask back on, but once again she disappeared in that short span of time.

"Friday, scan the room for any heat signatures." A blue line in his mask scanned the entire room.

"Nothing sir. You are completely alone." The A.I. responded.

"Cap, you might have incoming." Tony warned.

"What kind of incoming?" The man asked who was still outside taking Hydra members down one by one.

"Young girl, silver hair, tiny."

Natasha laughed in her earpiece. "That doesn't sound like incoming."

"Haven't said the best part. I think she can turn invisible." Tony had a smirk of excitement.

Valen took off outside. She was barefoot, but that didn't matter. What mattered was to get the unwelcome guests to leave. Hawkeye happened to be the first person she saw. He would be her first target.

She started in his direction. It was almost too easy. She kicked the back of his knee making him fall to the ground. She moved around to the front where she grabbed his bow and hit him as hard as she could on the side of his head. He was knocked out to the ground.

Valen was about to turn and go after the next target, but she was struck on the back of the head with such force, that she didn't have a second to blink before falling to the ground unconscious. Her body slowly faded back into view for everyone to see.

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now