They've Returned

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Valen walked into the training room. Her body mixed with black, blue, and purple colors. She couldn't get up off of the floor for two days, but when she finally showed the guards she could they decided she was good to go back to training.

Two twin girls stood in the corner snickering at her. Valen ignored their laughs and continued to limp in.

"Well well, if it isn't Obscurity." One twin said when the guards weren't paying attention.

Valen looked her up and down distastefully. She already made up her mind about not liking her.

"What? Don't remember us?" The other twin said.

Valen didn't answer. She's never seen either of these two girls before, that she knows of. She definitely hasn't seen them around here before.

"Shit G, she doesn't remember us." One twin nudged her sister with her elbow.

"What did they do to you? Did they wipe you?" Valen assumed the one speaking was G.

"You know I always wanted to know what it would be like to train with the legendary Obscurity. We arrived here after you escaped. We only heard stories of you. You seemed soft the first time we actually met. I wonder if that's changed now." The other twin tilted her head taking all of Valen in.

Valen's brain took a minute to process what she just said. Escaped? First met? She knew she didn't have all of her memories, but this definitely didn't sound like her. Why would she escape?

"How about it O? Wanna spar?" The twin without a name asked.

Valen limped over to the middle of the mat, waiting for the twin to get in front of her. G stood to the side thinking this was gonna be easy for her sister because her opponent was already in bad shape.

"Let's go T! Just use everything you've got, show her who the better one really is."

T's hands started to glow orange. Valen could feel the heat radiating off of them. She assumed since the guards weren't going to do anything about this, she could use her abilities.

Valen stood still, not making any advances. She watched as T became angry that Valen wouldn't make the first move. She threw a fire ball and Valen leaned in the opposite direction. She threw another one, and once again Valen leaned out of the way. This pissed off T. She continued shooting fire balls until finally Valen make an ice shield to hold off the fire shooting right at her.

Now it was Valen's turn, and she smirked. Work smarter, not harder. Valen turned invisible and headed towards G. She kicked her knee out from behind her and covered her entire body besides her head in ice. Valen then showed T where she was. An ice knife was was pressed hard against her sister's throat already drawing blood.

"You wouldn't." T's eyes were wide as her hands grew a brighter orange.

Valen squinted her eyes, questioning her belief on that statement. She killed one guy for just being annoying. Why wouldn't she kill a girl for the same reason?

T looked at the guard, but he stood still at the door not doing anything. She knew he would only get involved if Zory told him to. She looked up at the cameras in the room and glared at them knowing he was watching.

T shot out her hands sending fire right at Valen. With a flick of her hand, ice covered the girl's hands. T tried to melt it off, but Valen was quite good at maintaining the ice, not letting it go anywhere.

"Okay! Stop!" T yelled as more blood dripped from her sisters neck.

Valen tsked at the girl. "Weak."

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