Are You Ready

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Valen sat on the couch watching the Star Wars movies she fell asleep through last night as she watched them with Ned. Peter, MJ, and Ned were all at school. Her leg kept bouncing as she wasn't prepared for what was going to happen when Peter came back.

Last Night

Valen went inside as her suit continued to burn. She grabbed a broom and dustpan and headed towards the bathroom. It was her mess, she wasn't going to let Peter clean it up.

She prepared herself before opening the door. The room was a mess. She started with the floor by sweeping all the glass into one pile. She then swept up the pile into her dustpan to dump it in the trash bag. She redid that process a few times even when she couldn't see anything on the floor just to be extra careful. She didn't want someone to walk in here and get glass in their foot.

Valen went over to the sink. She didn't look up once even though the mirror was no longer there. Instead, she picked up the big pieces first to throw them in the bag. The last one she picked up, she stared into it for a minute. She was trying to find any evidence of Zory or her other self still looking back at her. But they weren't. Neither of them showed themselves as she stared in the broken piece.

"You didn't have to do this." Peter spoke from behind her.

Valen jumped, scared by Peter's voice. She threw the big piece away and turned around to face him. "I did. It was my fault."

"Well, I need to have a serious talk with you when you get done."

Fear struck Valen. She didn't know what he meant by having a serious talk. To play it off, she smiled. "If you're going to break my heart, can we go outside?"

"It's raining outside."

"Yeah exactly. I'll get to have my melodramatic movie moment if we go outside in the rain as you break my heart."

Peter laughed at her. "We can go in the garage to check on the fire. The door is open so you'll hear the rain. Does that work?"


Peter started to walk away when he came back. "Be careful when you get the glass off the sink. I don't want to pull the tweezers back out." 

"Will do."

Valen cleaned up the whole bathroom. She disinfected the sink, cleaned all the glass up, and threw away the mirror frame. She felt bad that this wasn't her property, but Ned reassured her that it was okay.

Valen stood outside the garage door, hovering her hand over the doorknob. She was joking earlier about coming outside to have this serious talk, but she was so nervous for what it was going to be about.

Peter was already out there waiting on her. He turned around when he heard the door open. "Hey."

"Hi." She nervously pushed her hair behind her ears.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I think I should take you back to the Avenger's compound."

Valen blinked once, not expecting that out of all things. "Oh. I think so too."

"You can't stay with Ned forever. You've regained a few memories. Your cuts need stitching, and I don't think you want to go to a hospital. Wait, what?" Peter was talking too fast to register that Valen agreed. He only figured it out halfway into his reasonings.

"I think I need to go back to the Avenger's compound."

Peter was too stunned. He was trying to figure out if she was serious or messing with him. "Can I ask why?"

"I've remembered some things about the Avengers, not a lot but a few. If I really was part of their team, then I want to know more about them. I also want to remember more about me when I was there."

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now