Fire Escape

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Peter didn't want to leave Valen alone after their mission, so he texted his aunt to tell her he would be staying at the compound for the night. He had his own room for when he would stay the night, but when everyone was asleep he snuck into Valen's room.

She knew he was coming so she had already moved to the side to make room for him. She could hear him open and close the door as quietly as he could . Then he tiptoed over to her bed, freezing in place every time he thought he heard a noise.

"Why are you tiptoeing?"

"I don't want to get caught." Peter whisper shouted.

"No one can hear us." Valen whisper shouted back. "Wait, why am I whispering now?"

Peter moved the covers and climbed in beside her. She scooted closer once he got comfortable.

"Hi." She smiled right up at him even though he couldn't tell in the darkness.


Valen never gets cold, but she knew Peter hated the cold. On purpose, she made her foot a little icy before placing it on his leg.

Peter kicked his legs to try and get Valen off of him. "I will get out of this bed right now and go back to my room."

Valen laughed and moved her foot away.

After a few minutes to make sure she wouldn't do it again, Peter finally spoke. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore. Bruce gave me some pain meds, but I can still feel it a little bit."

"I'm sorry. I should've stopped him, but I was looking at you. I was worried about you. I know that's a stupid excuse but-"

Valen placed a finger on his lips to shut him up. "It's okay. I shouldn't have lost my mind. I shouldn't have dropped the gun, at least not there right in front of him. It's not your fault."

Peter gently hugged Valen. He was careful enough to not to hurt her. He kissed her forehead, thankful she wasn't hurt too badly.

"I'm happy I came here." Valen's voice was soft, almost like a whisper.

"I'm happy you came here."

"I wonder what I would be doing if I didn't come with Tony that one day. I probably wouldn't have left that gym. I could see myself still living in the back room, cleaning every night."

"I wondered where you went for those few months. Bucky was a mess, trying to get Mr. Stark to find you. He was adamant on finding you, but Mr. Stark said it wasn't worth our time. Turns out it was since he was the one secretly looking for you."

Valen was quiet. She was thinking about the past and everything that has happened since. She squeezed Peter once before closing her eyes to fall asleep. He was scared to squeeze her back because of her wound so instead he squeezed her hand.

The two slept peacefully in each other's arms. Peter kept on twitching, waking Valen up. She would open her eyes for a second before going back to sleep. Finally, a scream is what jolted Valen awake.

Valen couldn't comprehend on what was happening right away. The shock from waking up from sleep took a second to recover from. She then caught up with reality and grabbed both sides of Peter's face. "Hey, hey. It's me. Peter, wake up. You're okay."

Peter stopped fighting Valen's hands to get them away from him. He then stopped screaming and slowly opened his eyes. A few tears rolled down his cheeks, and he looked around real quick to check where he was. He then examined Valen to see if she was okay. Once he realized nothing was wrong, he hugged her tightly.

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now