Happy Birthday

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"Left or right?"


"You choose this way every time."


Peter laughed. "Nothing I guess."

Valen and Peter were on one of their walks. People passed them by completely unaware two Avengers were right in front of them. They liked the secrecy. Peter wore his mask, and Valen was unknown to the public.

It was now December, a couple weeks since she had become friendly with the other girls living in the compound. Training was in full blast. She would run in the mornings. After, she would spar with someone. It was a new person each week so she wouldn't get used to their fighting patterns. She would workout in the evenings either legs, arms, or abs. Every other day she was with Bruce working on her powers. He would study her and get her to try new things. Saturday and Sundays were her days off. It was now a routine for her.

It stared to snow as they walked their familiar path. Valen stopped in her tacks and looked up  at all the white snowflakes falling from the sky. Even though she could create snow from her own will, she enjoyed not being in control of something so beautiful this time.

Peter looked at Valen as she stood mesmerized. It took him a second to realize she had no coat on. All she was wearing was a shirt and jeans. Her bare arms were exposed to the snow and cold air.

"You must be cold." Peter shrugged off his coat and placed it on Valen's shoulders.

"Peter...." Valen was about to tell him she never gets cold, but the look on his face was something she didn't want to change. He looked concerned for her well being. It was a face of someone who genuinely cared. "Thank you."

A big smile crossed his face. Valen looked back up at the sky. She raised a hand to let the snowflakes fall onto it. Peter opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He was trying to catch the snowflakes in his mouth.

Peter looked back down at Valen. "V?"


"Aunt May has been dying to meet you."

"How does she know about me?"

"Well she's been asking why I've been spending extra time at the compound. She didn't know if it was something Mr. Stark had me doing." Peter rubbed the back of his neck.

"Awe, have you been talking about me to your aunt? Peter! You've been talking about me."

"Stop." Peter laughed. "So will you... meet her?"

"Um, sure. When?"


Valen's eyes widened. "Now?"

"I already told her we were on our way. She's making dinner for us as we speak."

"What if I would've said no?"

"Then that would've been painfully awkward when I got home." Peter started walking towards his apartment building.

"Speaking of home, why don't you live at the compound? With the rest of us."

"I thought about it, I really did, but I couldn't leave Aunt May. She would be alone if I left. I also have school. I want to graduate before I become a full time Avenger."

"But you are a full time Avenger."

"People don't know that. They think I'm just an average kid."

Valen looked at the ground, her voice small. "You're not average to me."

Peter softly smiled.

The pair arrived at his apartment. Valen has been here once before, unknown to Peter's aunt. This time she would go through the front door and not the window. Before walking in, Valen handed Peter's coat back to him. She didn't want his aunt to get any ideas if she saw it on her.

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now