I Remember Her

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"How is she doing."

Ned had just opened the door for Peter. Not a hello, how are you doing, sorry for being here early. He walked right in looking for Valen.

"She's asleep." Ned shut the door behind Peter.


"She's been out for only like an hour."

Peter sat down on the couch. His leg wouldn't stop bouncing. "How was she when I left."

"We ate some cereal then she went to sleep."

"I'm going to go check on her." Peter jumped up off of the couch and went to the guest room. He quietly cracked the door open to see Valen peacefully wrapped up in the blankets. Her stomach went up and down as she took small breaths. Her hair covered part of her face. Her lips were parted as some drool went down the side of her face.

Peter put a hand on the door as the other pulled the doorknob to close it. "Do you think she needs some more blankets? Should I make her some food or should I wait for a few hours. You're right I should probably wait. It would only get cold. Should I go get her some clothes? I don't know what she likes. Her stuff is still at the compound. Wanda wouldn't let anyone go into her room let alone touch anything. I could sneak in and get some of it. Just can't get caught. Thanks Ned. I'll go do that."

Ned stood there while Peter had a whole conversation with himself. "You're welcome?"

Peter ran out and headed towards the compound. He had a plan to not be seen by anyone while not being suspicious at the same time. He went to the back door and went up the stairs. He opened the door to the living quarters and poked his head out to look around. It looked like he was in the clear.

Peter took one step out of the door and Wanda stepped in front of him. "Peter?"

"Hey Wanda. What are you doing here?" Peter scratched the back of his head while he laughed nervously.

"I live here."

"Yeah. Of course. Right."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. No, I'm good." Peter was trying to think of anything other than Valen. He kept repeating cheese in his head over and over.

Wanda tilted her head. "What are you doing here, Peter?"

"Picking up some ... web fluid! Yep, web fluid. Made some the other day and forgot about it."

"Wouldn't that be in the lab rather than on this floor?"

Peter laughed again as he looked around for an answer. "You're right. Sorry, I'm all out of sorts ever since seeing Valen again."

Wanda's stern look dropped. She put a hand on his arm. "Like Tony said. We'll get her back. We just need to find her first."

Find her? Already did that. Peter thought.

"Yeah, thanks Wanda. I'm going to head up to the lab now."

Wanda nodded her head. She watched him go back to the stairs. Vision came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He gently placed his head on her shoulder.

"Are you okay my dear?"

Wanda smiled and closed her eyes. "Yeah I'm good. I just want her to come home."

"I know you miss her."

"You think she's okay?"

Vision nodded his head. "You know Valen. She's strong and overall stubborn."

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