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Tony looked out the window with his arms crossed. His face clearly read he was sorrowful. Natasha walked up to him, offering a gentle smile. She stood beside him looking out at the beautiful view.

"You should go in there."

Tony shook his head no. "I can't."

"It might be the last tim-" Nat pleaded. She didn't want him to regret his decision.

"I don't want to hear it."

She went silent going back to the window. Outside was like a rainforest with a waterfall to the side. On a tall rock was a statue of a black panther.

"Bucky should be here."

"What is it they call him? Tiger, fox, something."

Nat smiled at Tony's guesses. "White wolf."

"I don't understand that."

A tall man in a suit walked up to the both of them. His native accent was strong. "The operation has started."

"Thank you, T'Challa. We didn't know who else to go to." Nat looked up at him, a sad look crossing over her face before going back to neutral.

"You are always welcome here."

"How long will it take?" Tony asked.

"A few hours. She has many lacerations and has lost a lot of blood. I'm surprised she's still alive."

"She's too stubborn to let go so easily. We have to keep this quiet though. We can't have the frost giants coming back here to try and kill her again. We have to figure out why they want her dead and take care of them before the world knows she's alive." Nat informed him.

"I understand. You're secret is safe with us. Does the rest of your team know?"

"Not yet. They will when we know she makes it out of the operation okay. I do have another favor to ask you."

T'Challa squinted his eyes playfully. He wanted Nat to think that she was already asking for too much. "What is it?"

"Please just take good care of her."

T'Challa smiled. "We will do everything to make her feel safe and comfortable here."

"Thank you." Nat nodded at the man before heading outside to the Quinjet.

Tony stayed behind, not saying a single word. He didn't want to leave, but he knew he couldn't stay.

"You can come back to see her whenever you would like, Stark."

Tony bit the inside of his cheek and nodded his head. He followed Natasha outside, getting inside the Quinjet quickly.

"You ready?" Nat asked before getting in the pilot's seat.

"Let's go figure out what they wanted." Tony started strapping himself in.

"Alright. Let's go find Loki and Thor."


Valen opened her eyes but closed them instantly from the intensity of the bright lights. She tried again but this time with squinting. Everything was white. The ceiling, the walls, the sheets. She tried to sit up but the pain caused her to lay back down.

"You're awake!" A female voice Valen has never heard before said with enthusiasm.

She moved her head to the side to see a young girl about her age holding a tablet. She was scrolling through looking at Valen's vital signs.

"You look good. You'll probably be in pain for a few days, but it shouldn't last long."

"Wh-" Valen started coughing, her voice very coarse. "Who are you?"

"I'm Shuri. I looked after your operation. I know your name is Valen. Is there anything I can get you? Food, something to drink?"

"Maybe some water."

Shuri smiled since she already anticipated this request. She grabbed a cup off the side table and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Valen whispered after gulping the whole thing down.

"Okay. I'll be back to check on you." Shuri started to walk out of the room but stopped when Valen started speaking again.

"Where am I?"

"You are in Wakanda."

Valen looked out the window to see a beautiful city. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't imagining anything. "I thought Wakanda was poor."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"Are you kidding? I have to go explore." Valen struggled to raise up on one elbow.

"I'll show you around when you get back on your feet. For now, you should rest." Shuri walked out the door leaving Valen to marvel at the beauty that was just outside her window.

"I'm so going to make Ned, Peter, and MJ jealous with this."


Valen will return for a second book

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now