Rest Day

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Valen sat patiently in a chair. Bruce was examining her to see what all the nose bleeds were about. She moved her eyes side to side following the light. She went under an MRI to check for bleeds or aneurysms. Bruce had calming music on to soothe her, but she wasn't stressed. Not compared to how Peter was feeling.

Peter was upstairs pacing when he heard Steve took Valen to see Bruce. He blamed himself for her getting hurt. He never should've closed his eyes. He should've been paying attention to the mission.

Sam put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You need to take a seat. I'm pretty sure you've done a thousand laps going back and forth."

Peter took away his hand that was against his mouth. "She's down there because of me."

"No, she's down there because of her. She didn't take orders when she went inside putting herself at risk. She also put you at risk since you went inside to get her."

"But we're both fine. See?" Valen walked towards the two with Bruce behind her.

"Doctor Banner?" Peter wanted confirmation from a professional.

"She's fine. However-"

"There's a however." Peter looked at Sam scared.

"However, she needs to rest. With getting hit on the head and overexerting herself, she's fried her brain."

"Fried?" Peter's voice got pitchy from his worrisome.

"Exhausted, tired out. She needs to rest. No powers, nothing too crazy. Have a relaxed day Val."

Valen rolled her eyes. "This is pathetic. I'm fine. I do not need to rest. I need to train or go get more information out of Von."

Valen took a step to leave but Bruce got in her way. "Not today. Somebody needs to watch her to make sure she does what I said."

"Sam?" Valen looked at the man hoping to be saved.

"Sorry icy. Doctor's orders."


"Are you hungry? Because I sure am. You know I know this great restaurant. They have rolls, steak, chicken, anything you want. We could walk there. Or you know if you don't want to walk I can drive."

Valen scrunched her face as Peter acted weird and talked too fast for her. "Sure. Food sounds good." She looked at Bruce before leaving with Peter. "Then it's training time."

She scurried off before Bruce could respond back. He looked at Peter with warning eyes. "Make sure she doesn't push herself. No powers, no training, if she gets tired let her rest."

"Yes sir." Peter gave him a tight lipped smile before walking out to meet Valen to go the restaurant.

Upon arriving, a young girl sat in her booth with her mother coloring. She pressed the green crayon hard against the paper and scribbled. The whole page was green in seconds. The outline of the picture was completely ignored.

Peter sat in a booth, confused that Valen wasn't with him. Valen grabbed a coloring sheet and crayons when no one was looking. She sat quickly across from Peter. She put the paper on the table and started to color inside the lines. Peter grabbed a yellow crayon and started to color with her as they waited for their waiter.

"Don't you have school?" Valen didn't break her concentration as she colored a crab blue.

"Winter break."

This however made her look up at the ceiling and squint her eyes. "If you're on winter break then why did your friend need homework help?"

Peter stopped and looked at Valen as she thought. "Break homework?"

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