Do You Want to Go on a Walk?

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Valen followed behind Tony and Happy into the Avengers building. Her plastic bag was still clutched into her hands as tightly as she could hold it. She looked around taking notice of every move or look people made. They would all stop and stare at her as she passed by.

Already Valen knew she had made a mistake. She was ready to bolt back outside and leave. As long as she didn't see a cage she knew she would be fine ... hopefully.

"Friday, could you please inform everyone to meet in the conference room?" Stark asked as he stepped into the elevator.

"Right away sir." A voice sounded out of nowhere. Valen looked around for the new person, but there was no one there.

"Artificial intelligence. Anything you need just say Friday." Stark stopped and did a once-over on Valen. "Or there are screens that you can type what you need."

Stark told Valen to wait outside the door when they approached the conference room. He said he needed to discuss a few things before bringing her in.

She waited as he walked inside. She tried to press her ear against the door, but it had to be soundproof in there. Not even the slightest mumble could be heard. Waiting outside was proving to be a long task. First, Valen walked in circles, then she looked out the window, and now she was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall.

She placed her hand flat, palm up in the air. In her mind, she pictured something she's always wanted to try. The next second that image popped up on her hand. A tiny ice sculpture of a girl was manipulated to move and seem like it was ice skating all over her hand. She jumped, twirled, and spun in fast circles. It was always something Valen would do to keep herself entertained with her time at Hydra.

The conference door opened and the ice-skating girl disappeared. Stark held out a hand for Valen to use to get up, but instead, she leaned over to peek inside. She got up on her own and followed him inside.

Within a second of walking inside, Bucky stood up. He pushed his chair out of the way and quickly made his way over to Valen. He wrapped her in his arms and held onto her tightly. She, however, stood there uncomfortably. She wasn't used to affection.

Stark walked to the front of the table. "Everyone, as you may know, this is Valen. She will be staying here for a few days, so let's make her feel welcome. Play nice."

Wanda, Vision, Thor, Bruce, and Sam all said hello.

"You're staying?" Bucky pulled back and looked her in the eyes. With a slight nod of her head, Bucky engulfed her in another hug.

"Didn't she try to strangle you, knock out Clint, and then shoot ice thingies at Peter?" Natasha asked with her arms crossed. She studied the tiny girl at the end of the table, confused as to why she would be back.

"It's in the past." Stark waved his hand dismissively in the air.

"Well, I for one think it's great she's here. You all forgave Loki for worse things, I think we can forgive her too." Thor smiled brightly at Valen.

"It's settled then. Valen glad you're here." Steve stood up and nodded his head at everyone before walking out.

Steve knew Bucky was close to her for obvious reasons, but he didn't trust her as much as she didn't trust him. She's done nothing to prove she's on their side or even willing to work with them.

Natasha was as equally concerned as Steve, but she knew better than anyone that people deserve second chances. Valen was scared. She went from one cage to another with brand-new people. Of course she would try to escape and do what was necessary to get out. She didn't severely hurt anyone.

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now