Chapter 3

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Hermione stared at the person who was holding her. She had seen his face earlier. She explored her mind to get all the things together. After thinking about the last year, she recognized him.

Hermione steadied herself and straightened her skirt and looked at the boy, standing in front of her, straight in the eye.

"Nott" She addressed him.

"You remember me? I'm flattered." Theo replied with a smirk on his face.

"Of course I remember you." Hermione scoffed. "You made sure to make my life a living hell by always taunting me by names and trying to make me realize that I'm inferior to you all."

"My, my, Granger. You are still holding grudges for the past." Theo said tilting his head.

"You see, our past was not that smooth. So it's hard to forget." Hermione replied.

"Jesus, Granger. You are making it sound like it was all me who mocked you all those years." Theo said running his hand through his hair. "Remember it was Draco who was the main character in your 'making my life living hell story'."

Hermione scoffed. "And you are making it sound like you were a saint"

"Definitely not" Theo grinned. "So what are you doing in the corridors of the train instead of sitting with your Gryffindor buddies? You are not planning to jump off the train, are you?"

"I'd rather throw you off the train." Hermione smirked and pointed towards the door of the train.

"You don't have to be so bitchy" Theo waved his hand.

"Actually the question should be, what are you doing here instead of being with your death eater buddies? And least of all talking to a mudblood" Hermione asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ouch." Theo said putting a hand at his heart and pretending as he is hurt. "Your words are harsh. Anyways, so as you state 'my death eater buddies' are too busy in being total jerks and I was not in the mood to be one so here I am. And I am talking to you because I knew my time would pass as you have so good comebacks."

"You know you are total asshole" Hermione said as a matter of factly.

"So I have been told" Theo said nodding his head and grinning.

"You know what, I have got better things to do so you need to sod off, Nott" Hermione said and brushed past him.

"It was nice meeting with you too, Granger." Theo shouted at her from the back.

Hermione continued walking away from him. At his words, she shook her head in disbelief. How can all Slytherins be such arseholes? She mumbled something about Theo being bastard and continued her march.

In the Slytherin Compartment

"Where the fuck is Theo?" Pansy asked to her friends.

"Who knows" Blaise replied.

Suddenly the compartment door opened and Theo came inside. He was in a better mood after his little 'meeting' with Hermione. At least he wasn't getting bored sitting in here. Everyone noticed his change in mood and were staring at him with raised eyebrow.

"What?" Theo asked eyeing everyone. "Why are you all staring at me like I kissed a hippogriff?"

"You seem in a better mood. Potter died or something?" Draco asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Potter's still alive. I think we have to take another birth to see him dead" Theo said matter of factly.

"So what's gotten into you?" Pansy asked in curiosity.

"Why do you think something's gotten into me?" Theo laughed.

"There's change in your behavior and mood. So?" Blaise asked impatiently.

"Wha- Oh, that. Actually I bumped into Granger and-" Theo's line was interrupted by Pansy.

"You bumped into who?" Pansy asked turning her full attention to Theo.

"Granger. The Hermione Granger. War heroine. Topper. Bookworm. Nosy. Part of the golden trio. Famous Gryffindor. Rings a bell?" Theo asked with a smirk.

"Of course we know who is Granger." Pansy scoffed. "I was just thinking what she was doing without her Gryffindor friends."

"How will I know. I just bumped into her and had a chit chat about the past." Theo grinned. "It was quite entertaining."

All of his friends grunted and continued sitting in silence again.

In the Gryffindor Compartment:

Hermione opened the compartment door, huffed and sat down in the place which was previously occupied.

"What happened to you?" Ron asked in amusement.

"A slytherin happened to me. Why can't they all mind their own business?"

"Who? Malfoy?" Ginny asked turning her head towards her.

"No, not him. It was Nott" Hermione said shaking her head.

"Nott? You mean, Theodre Nott?" Harry asked.

"Yes" Hermione nodded.

"What did he do?" Neville asked in a slight low voice.

"He was just being an arsehole as usual" Hermione said making a face showing disgust. "But he didn't call me a mudblood"

"Well that's an improvement. I think everyone changed after the war" Luna said still looking outside the window.

"I said he didn't call me a mudblood but he was still being an arrogant prat" Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"Oh Hermione, we all know how slytherins are. Cheer up, it's your last year. Don't let some morons ruin it" Ginny said with a reassuring smile on her face.

"Yeah, you are right" Hermione sighed.

"Guys I think we arrived at Hogwarts" Ron announced as the train came to a halt and people started moving out of their respective compartments.

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