Chapter 10

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Later that day...

It was almost time for the patrol and Theo didn't want to be late on the very first day itself. He was actually looking forward to this since the morning. He didn't understand but he liked the idea of patrolling with Hermione. After he gained consciousness from his revere, he looked at the timing and put on his robes before heading out of his dormitory.

He was pretty sure that he wasn't going to be late since he had started walking towards the Great Hall five minutes prior the allotted time.

As soon as he walked around the corner, he spotted Hermione standing in front of the Great Hall, her eyebrows furrowed on the floor. He ran a hand through his hair thinking if by any unfortunate luck he was late. He let out a frustrated groan at that thought.

"I am not late, am I?" Theo asked as soon as he approached her.

Hermione became startled by the sudden voice. She looked up from the ground to find Theo standing beside her.

"Oh, no. You aren't. In fact, you are two minutes early" Hermione replied to his question.

"Oh, thank Salazar" Theo sighed in relief. "I just saw you and thought maybe I was late"

Hermione let out a slight chuckle, "Actually I have the tendency to be ten minutes early than the allotted time"

Theo scoffed, "I'm sorry, sometimes I forget you are Hermione Granger"

Hermione ignored his comment and said, "So, we both are here. Then let's start the patrol"

Theo nodded and asked, "Where do we have to do it?"

Hermione looked at the parchment and began, "Well, I thought about it a lot and then I came to the conclusion that we should patrol the north and south wing today. Are you ok with it?"

'North and South? Interesting' he thought. "Yeah, I'm totally fine with it"

"Perfect" Hermione exclaimed and folded the parchment and kept it in her pocket.

"So, I'll go for the North and you go for the South" Hermione said and turned to walk away.

'Hold on. This wasn't supposed to happen' he tried to understand what she just said. "Wait, what? Aren't we supposed to patrol together?"

Hermione halted at his question. She tuned back to face him.

"Yes we are but if we do it this way, then we'll be able to finish this fast, don't you think?"

'Well, she had a point there. But no wait, screw her point' he thought. "Wouldn't that mean that you are going to break rules? Granger, you? Breaking rules? I can't get the picture of that in my head"

"Oh shush" Hermione moved a hand in front of him. "Like I haven't done it before"

Theo narrowed his eyes at her response.

"What?" Hermione asked. "You don't think I'm friend of Harry's and Ron's without breaking any rules, do you?"

'Oh for fuck's sake, why is she so stubborn?' he thought to himself.

"Come on Granger, aren't you afraid of the circumstances?" Theo tried again. "What if some monster comes out of the bush and attacks you?"

Hermione gave him a weird look, "How can I be afraid of the monster if I'm standing with one"

"Ouch" Theo put a hand on his heart. "You hurt my feelings Granger"

Hermione grinned.

"But no, you didn't win. I don't care what you do but I am not going to break a single rule because of you. You see, I have never broken any rule and I have no intension to do it anytime" Well that was a big fat lie but anyways.

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