Chapter 7

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Theo entered the class and went to take his seat beside Blaise. As soon as he settled down, his mind raced with hundreds of thoughts. He couldn't figure it out why did he say those words to Hermione. Why was he disappointed to see her upset. Why didn't he want to make her upset. He glanced at the bushy haired girl, sitting beside Harry and Ron, who was turning the pages of the book. What was happening with him? It wasn't like she was his friend or....He mentally slapped himself for thinking such ridiculous things. He told himself that it was nothing and began writing his notes.

Meanwhile Draco was having a war in his mind too. He couldn't figure out why did Hermione save him. Why did she came for rescue? She could have just seen him getting beated after what he....they all had done to her. Apparently they did deserve it. He turned his head to look at the Gryffindor table to find Hermione saying something to Ron. After a few seconds of staring, he shook his head telling himself that he was overthinking. She would have just done it because she was the Head Girl.

Professor Binns was taking their class. Just as he closed his book as the period was going to be over soon, a boy, maybe in 6th year came outside of the class.

"Can I come in, Professor?" The boy asked to Professor Binns.

"Of course, dear" Professor gave him permission with a smile. "How may I help you?"

"Professor McGonagall wants to meet Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Nott now"

At the name of the students, both of them looked up at the boy.

"Both of you please go and meet Professor McGonagall" The professor instructed both the Head students.

"Yes Professor" Both of them replied simultaneously.

Hermione stood up and left for McGonagall's office but Theo was still packing his books.

Hermione walked into Professor McGonagall's office and the professor offered her to take a seat.

"May I come in, professor?" Hermione turned to find that Theo had arrived.

McGonagall nodded and Theo walked in and took the vacant seat which was not too far away from where Hermione sat.

Theo side glanced at Hermione who was looking at the table. He turned his attention to the professor when she started talking.

"I have called you both here to tell you about your duties which you will perform for the entire year." She looked at both of the students and continued. "As the heads you have got the power to deduct points from the houses if someone breaks the rule or his/her behavior is inappropriate. But that doesn't mean you can misuse it. And secondly about the patrols, you have to follow the schedule which is written in the sheet of paper I'll provide you both. I hope you both won't disappoint me"

Both of the students nodded and stood up.

"Here's your schedule for the patrol" She said handing a parchment to each of them.

Both of them took the sheet from her and started reading it. Theo noticed that he had joint patrol with Hermione three days a week.

"I assume you both are ok with the schedule" McGonagall asked both the students who nodded in agreement.

"Well then I think you both can leave now" She instructed.

They both nodded and turned back. They both walked up to the door at the same time.

"Ladies first" Theo cleared the path for Hermione to walk first.

"Such a gentleman you are" Hermione said sarcastically and walked out.

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