Chapter 13

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The next day....

Hermione woke up to someone's voice coming from the common room. She got up and sat up on the bed to look around and found that almost everyone was up from the noise. She looked at the time and it was just five thirty in the morning. That was too early. Hermione had initially planned to get a nice sleep today but it seemed like things weren't going as planned.

Suddenly the door opened and a fuming Ginny Weasley marched towards Hermione. Hermione widened her eyes at the She-Weasley.

"Hermione, you are needed downstairs" Ginny said folding her hands.

"Why, what happened?" Hermione narrowed her eyebrows at her friend.

"I don't know! I just wanted to do one thing and that was to have a nice long sleep but apparently my bother thought that it will be great to wake us all up from his hoarse voice!"


"How many more brothers of mine are studying in Hogwarts right now?"

"Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry" Hermione suppressed her urge to laugh at her comment.

"Just go down, will you? And do me a favor and kill my brother please"

Hermione laughed at that, "Calm down, Ginny. I am going downstairs and finding out what the havoc is all about"

"You better do that" Ginny said with a small smile.

Hermione got up from the bed, grabbed her robes and books and went downstairs in the common room.

She entered the common room to find Ron and Harry arguing over something.

"What's the deal?" Hermione asked, walking towards the boys.

"Oh, Hermione, you are here" Ron said getting up and with a relieved smile.

"What were you two arguing about?" Hermione said taking a seat beside Harry at the couch.

"Ron is supposed to go and take his corrected assignment from Professor Vector right now and he is being coward to do so" Harry filled in for Ron.

"What's the problem in that?" Hermione asked looking at Ron.


"Just spit it out, for Godric's sake!" An annoying Harry said out loud.

"Ifailedinit" Ron said.

"Sorry, come again. I wasn't able to catch it" Hermione said shaking her head.

Harry banged his head gently on the nearby wall. It was no surprise that Harry was annoyed for some reason.

"I failed in it" Ron said it clearly this time.

"You what?" Hermione got up from the couch in shock.

"Come on, Hermione. It's not what I am worried about. It's Professor Vector I am worried about. He already hates me and now, after this, he is definitely going to yell at me and give a detention"

"Ronald Weasley! How did you fail? You know how important these assignments are!" Hermione stated in disbelief that his friend had failed. "How are you going to get a decent job if you continue to be like this?"

"Hermione, the last thing I want is to get lectured by you" Ron said closing his eyes.

"I am not lecturing you! I am stating facts you idiot!" Hermione exclaimed in anger.

"Oh boy" Harry muttered looking at Hermione. She was dangerous when angry and Ron was in trouble.

"So what? You are going to be yelled at even if you don't go and collect your assignment right now." Hermione said after taking a long breath. "And I think Professor will get even angrier than he probably is now"

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