Chapter 6

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In the Gryffindor Dormitory

Hermione shifted on the bed as the rays of sunlight directly fell on her face. Her face was bright golden from the light. She slowly opened her eyes to find that it was morning already. She hadn't slept at night...heck she didn't sleep at any night since the war because of the nightmares that followed her. She always thought whether anyone else had those nightmares too. She rubbed her eyes and went to take a shower.

After the shower, she went to the common room where she found her friends. They all wished each other a very good morning and then decided to head towards their respective classes.

In the Slytherin Dormitory

Theo came out of his room stretching his hands. He looked around to found no one except him in the common room. His gaze went to the book lying on the table and he reached out for it. It was some book about Potions. After seeing the title of the book, he made a disgusted face and threw the book. He went to the small window to have a look outside and he got the glimpse of the Giant Squid in the water before it just vanished.

He could see a few rays of light making its way in the dungeon through the window. The dungeons were never lighted with sunlight as it was located at the most bottom part of the castle. He really liked sunlight and it was a pity that he couldn't experience it everyday when he woke up unlike the Gryffindors whose dorm received the most sunlight. He was pretty jealous of them.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of a door being unlocked. He turned around to see Pansy coming out of Draco's room, rubbing her eyes. Theo wasn't at all shocked to see Pansy coming out of Draco's room instead of hers. It was pretty obvious that they were doing some 'extra circular activity' last night.

"Morning, Parkinson" Theo greeted her with a cocky smile.

"Shut up, will you? You know that I don't like mornings" Pansy hushed him and sat down at the couch.

"That's the reason I'm teasing you in the first place" Theo grinned.

Pansy gave him a deadly glare to which Theo responded by a laugh.

"Ok fine I won't irritate you" He put his hands up. "So, how was last night?"

"It was amazing" Pansy squealed in amazement. It didn't even look like she was pissed just a second ago. "I really love such nights. You know me and Draco -"

"Eww...too much information, Pansy. Keep that to yourself." Theo made a face to give a gesture of puking. "I don't want the picture of that in my mind. Gosh, I want to throw up"

"Quit being such a git. You asked for it yourself" Pansy waved a hand in front of his face to shush him.

Theo opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he heard someone else joining them. Both the Slytherins turned around to find Draco coming out of his room, running a hand through his hair.

"Draco" Pansy addressed him with gleaming eyes.

He didn't bother to respond. He simply joined them on the couch. They all started talking about the homework Professor Slughorn had given them and initially all the Slytherins started coming out of their respective rooms.

Blaise was the last one to come out. He joined them, along with everyone, still yawning.

"About time you came" Theo said sarcastically.

"Don't be mean. I was tired" Blaise rolled his eyes to which Theo scoffed in response.

"I can't believe we have to attend classes today" Pansy groaned annoyingly.

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