Chapter 11

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Next day....

Hermione shifted on the bed as the rays of sunlight fell directly on her eyes but she found it was of no use as the rays were still falling on her face. She groaned in frustration and woke up from her sleep. She didn't know if she loved these sunrays or hated them. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before looking around. She found that everyone was still sleeping. 'Lucky them'.

She got up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom. She turned the knob of the shower and let the water gently fall on her.

While cleaning her body, she recalled the previous day's events. She never in a million times had thought that Draco Malfoy, the boy who mocked her his whole damn life, will comfort her someday. But as it is said that 'You will never know what's coming next'.

But it was still astonishing to see him so drastically changed. 'Maybe the war changed him? Just like it has changed all of us?' Hermione thought. 'Or maybe he had learnt that he wasn't on the right tracks earlier and wants to redeem himself?'

She came out of her thoughts and turned the knob of the shower, this time to close the shower. She wrapped a towel around her bare body and exited the bathroom. She took out her dress robes from the drawer and put it on.

She opened the topmost drawer to take out her 'Head Girl' badge but was surprised to find that it wasn't there. But it was impossible! That was the only place she kept her badge. How can it just disappear?

Hermione started going through all her drawers but all her effort went in vain. 'Crap' Hermione closed her eyes.

"Where did it go?" Hermione whispered to herself. "Professor McGonagall's going to eat me"

Then it struck her that maybe it could have fallen while patrolling the previous day. 'Oh boy, but there's Slytherin dormitory in that way'

Hermione shook her head. She had to do it anyway. Or she would end up losing her position as the Head Girl and she definitely didn't want it.

She took a long breath and headed towards the Slytherin dormitory.

Draco woke up to loud banging on the door. Draco groaned and put the pillow on his ears with the purpose of blocking the sound but it was simply useless because the sound was way too loud.

He got up and cursed the person banging the door. Who the fuck was dying outside?

He went to the door with a number of cuss words ready to fire at the person. He opened the door and slightly parted his mouth to speak but immediately closed it when he saw it was Pansy.

"Pansy?" Draco asked with narrowed eyes. "Did something happen?"

"Yes, Draco" Pansy said in a furious tone. "Something did happen"

Draco could not quite understand her.

He shook his head and said, "I can't get it what you are saying"

"That's the bloody problem, Draco!" Pansy said in a tone which was between fury and crying. "You can't get a damn thing!"

"Wha-" He still couldn't understand a single thing. "Why are you putting riddles, Pansy? Just spit out whatever you want to say for fuck's sake!"

Draco spoke a bit loudly than he had intended. Some Slytherins peeped out of their rooms to see what the matter was. Blaise came out of his room as well after hearing Draco's voice. Thankfully, Theo didn't.

"What's happening?" Blaise asked looking first at Pansy and then at Draco.

"I don't fucking know." Draco said to his friend. "Ask her!"

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