Chapter 16

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The sun was up. Draco woke up with a smile. That was not very usual thing to occur to him. Generally, he would wake up gasping for breath all thanks to his nightmares.

He ran his hand through his hair thinking about the previous day.

Never had he imagined that Hermione would agree to go to the ball with him. Well truth be told, he had never imagined him asking Hermione to the ball with him even in his wildest dreams.

He was dreading to ask her since the day the ball was announced. He did not ask her in their fifth year just because he was to prideful of being a pure blood. 'Idiot'

Well nothing could be done about the past. This year though, he was her escort and the happiest man alive.

Draco stopped doing whatever he was doing. 'This is not something I've felt with any other girl', he thought. And this feeling was definitely not about the friendship they had formed. This was about something way more than friendship.

In the last few days, he had come very close to Hermione. And she had proven him wrong about whatever his thoughts were about her. She had proven that that blood doesn't prove anything. A person is what they make of themselves.

She was not just anyone. She had a unique personality. She was not just some girl who would say 'yes' to everything a guy says. She was rather someone who would question him at every wrong step the person takes without hesitating for even a second. Even if that person is someone who is very dear to her.

That was what had impressed Draco in the first place.


Hermione stretched her hands as she got out of bed. She looked outside the window and smiled as she remembered that it was the ball night that day. Well honestly she was not much of a fan of ball nights. So what was making her so excited for that ball? A particular blonde guy perhaps.

Hermione was sure that she had developed a certain fascination for Draco. Of course she remembered how he acted with her in the past. But she was not someone to hold grudges against someone for childish bullying. And besides he really had improved a lot. She wouldn't say that he had become all sweet and saint but he sure was trying. The war changed everyone and it hopefully changed Draco for the better.

Every time she saw him, she felt a spark run through her body. Every second she spent with him meant a lot to her. Their stares, their walks, their small talks. Everything.

Maybe Theo was right after all. Maybe she really had feelings for Draco.


Draco went inside the washroom and changed his clothes. After that, he went straight to Pansy. This was the perfect opportunity for him to apologize to her. He had mistreated her and the guilt was eating him up. She was his friend. She was one of the few people who stayed by his side when no one did. And now he was not going to ruin their friendship just because he was a douche.

"Pansy may I talk to you for a second?"

Pansy looked up at her name being called.

She thought for a while before getting up, "Yes?"

"I have come here to apologize" Draco started. "I acted like a brat to you and that's not what a friend does to the other. I should have made my intentions clear from day one but instead I just let you be confused. I toyed with you and I hate myself for that. You are my best friend and I treated you like shit. I can't change what is already done but I beg you to give me one last chance. Let me make it up to you. Please, Pansy"

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