ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ

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1 April 2005
Approximately 7:32 A.M.
Tokyo, Japan

2 years, 5 months, 26 days before.

"Y/n! Are you up?"


Looking at yourself in the mirror, you mess around with your hair, trying different styles for opting for your original one. You brushed off your dark blue uniform, messing with the golden pin. It was different from your normal school uniform, but, after all, this wasn't a normal school. Instead of wearing the skirt they sent as an addition, you wore the pants instead. You reached down and rolled the edge up, looked at it in the mirror, thought it looked dumb and unrolled it again.

The chains hanging from your waistband, looping over your sides, rattled as you moved, twisting to connect the other side. You fixed your chain link necklace and sighed. Adjusting the rings on your hands, you did a once-over at yourself.

"Y/n! Come eat!"


Grabbing the bag by the door, you moved some empty boxes away with your foot, before flinging it over your shoulder. You walked down the hall, jogging down the stairs before tossing the bag by the front door. When you walked into the kitchen, boxes were everywhere.

"Can you move some of these?" Your mother asked, already exasperated and the day's barely even started. You picked up some of the boxes labeled 'dishes' and 'utensils' and set them to the side, clearing off the surface of the table.

"Where's Aiko?" You asked, looking around for the small girl.

"Boo!" She yelled, popping from under the table. You yelled with fake terror, making her laugh hysterically.

"Here, you eat first. You have to be at the school soon," Your mother placed a plate in front of you.

"Mom, I'm not gonna have time to eat this all," You said, but thanked her anyway.

"Well, eat as much as you can," She fussed, poking your side with the end of her wooden spoon. "You're all skin and bones any more!"

"I'm not!" You said around a mouthful, making her hit you over the head.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," She scolded. "Eat it instead, twig."

"I just lost a little weight and replaced it with muscles, Mom! Quit nagging me," You huffed.

"And you better eat well at school too!" She said, pointing the spoon at you threateningly. "I will come down there and make you something to eat every day if I have to!"

"Mom, you worry too much!" You said, glancing at the time. "I gotta go!"

"There's still time, you need to eat more!" She yelled as you got up.

"Woah!" Your dad grabbed you before you could run into him. "What's the hurry?"

"I don't want to be late! I still have to meet with my teacher first!" You called, already sliding your shoes on. "Do you know where my Kusarigama is?"

"Table," Your dad called.

"Ah, thanks!" You said, collecting it from the box. You placed the weapon on your side where the sheath for it resided, slipping the chain into your pocket. You grabbed your bag and pulled it over your shoulder, calling out a flurry of 'goodbye's and 'I love you's to your family.

Stepping from your home, you passed by the sign in the yard that had a smaller sign at the top that read 'SOLD' in bold lettering. You grabbed your phone from your pocket and flipped it open, dialing the last number you called. You placed it to your ear, listening to the sound of the ringing. The second ring, they picked up.


"Good morning, Kiana," You greeted, a smile gracing over your lips.

"Oh my gosh," She gasped dramatically from the other line, making you hold back a giggle. "You actually called me like you said!"

"Of course I would! I wouldn't just abandon you like that! Right now, you're my only friend," You chuckled nervously.

"That's sad, Y/n," She sighed. "You need to be more social and make friends other than me."

"I haven't even gotten to the school yet!" You laughed. "Much less meet the people there!"

"Listen, if there are any hot guys, you have to tell me, okay? That's our agreement for you moving away from here," She said, making you shake your head.

"God, Kiana, all you ever think about is boys! Don't you have something else that intrigues you?" You questioned, holding the strap of your bag.

"Girls are pretty too,"

"Okay, let me rephrase that, other than being a two-way hoe, is there anything else you're interested in?" You said, making her laugh.

"Well, I used to do everything with you, but you packed up and left, so no, I don't," She sighed.

"Look, I'll come back to Nikko this weekend, okay? I'm only a first-year, so I don't think they'll send me out just yet! But, I've got to go. I'm at the school," You said, looking up at the expansion of buildings.

"Aw, already? Okay. Call me during your lunch?"

"Yeah, okay," You said. "See ya, Kiana."

"See you."

Closing your phone, you slipped it back to the safety of your pocket before taking a deep breath. Ah! You were so nervous! But you were also very excited. After all, this was the first time you were going to do anything about this.

Ever since you were little, you've been able to see things that your parents couldn't. Monsters that lurked under your bed and hid in your closet; ones that would only come out to torment you in your sleep. You tried to tell your parents about it, but they just brushed it off as you being a child with an active imagination. It was only when you screamed so loud to wake them and when they rushed into your room to see you crawling away from the closet, three deep gashes in your back, that they actually believed you.

They called someone to come to your house to see what was going on. You remember sitting in front of the man at the kitchen table, as he asked you what this thing looked like. He brought you upstairs with him, and carefully showed you the creature. He explained that it wasn't your imagination, but something called a curse. He explained that since you were able to see it, you would be able to help people like he did. A shaman, he called himself.

He took you under his wing, taking his time to explain to you what these things were, and why they did the things they did to people. He introduced you to the Jujutsu world, showing you various things to do in order to destroy these curses for good. He was the one to give you the Kusarigama.

"Are you a first-year too?"

Jumping in surprise, you turned to the boy beside you. He quickly apologized for startling you, placing a hand on the back of his neck with an apologetic smile. He had dark hair that was a little long, allowing him to place it in a bun behind him, a tuft of hair hanging down as a section of side bangs. He had lazy-looking eyes like he couldn't have a care in the world, with thin eyebrows, uplifted in his smile.

"Oh, um, yeah! I'm L/n Y/n," You introduced, holding your hand out to him. He took your hand, glancing down at the many rings lining your fingers.

"Cool rings. Where'd you get them?"

"Oh, they were gifts. A man I used to know made them. He gave me one for every goal I met," You said, adjusting a few of them out of pure habit.

"You must have surpassed a lot of them," He chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that," You said, laughing. "I just suckered him into making me more, cause they're really neat!"

"I'd say," He said, his smile never faltering. "I'm Geto Suguru."

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