59th Chapter

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All day I was tormented by a letter I had read on Bayezid's desk. I couldn’t believe my husband was capable of doing something like that to his father. After grief over the loss of his mother, he immediately starts thinking about how to dismiss his father.

I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore, and I knew I couldn’t tell anyone. I had to keep quiet about what was bothering me to protect my loved one.

But the thing I knew was that I needed to find out something about Lala as soon as possible. The only person I could rely on was Mihrimah. I knew she knew Lala and his past and decided to talk to her to find out everything that was going on.

We sat in her lavish chambers sipping coffee. It was possible to see that Mihrimah was still devastated by the death of her mother, but she tried to be strong.

- Sultana, I wanted to ask you something I am really curious about. - I said to her as I let cup of coffe on the table.

Mihrimah nodded with her head as a sign I can ask her whatever I wish to.

- I heard that before I came to Kutahya, Bayezid has his Lala (teacher). What happened to him later? - I asked her and I could see her face expression changed really quick.

- Bayezid really loved Lala. In first period, Lala was telling everything to our Valide and he was against his marriage with Huricihan. But later, Lala stopped informing our Valide about everything and was with Bayezid. He helped him to marry with her and he had a lot on influence with him. Whatever Lala would say, Bayezid would listen to him. Valide got crazy about that, and she made things for my father Sultan to expell him from Kutahya. And that's why he was sent to Egypt. - Mihrimah told me the whole story of that.

Based on her story, Lala didn't seem to do anything bad, but supporting him in marriage with Huricihan almost led Bayezid to death.

- Aslihan, I have to tell you something important. - Mihrimah changed the subject quickly and looked at me really seriously.

- What it is, Sultana? - I asked her curiously.

- I decided I will have to marry Selim's daughters. They are too big threat to be here. - she said and took a deep breath. I didn't know why Mihrimah doesnt like them, at the end, she was still their aunt.

- I hope you chosed someone who is living far away, you should get them as far as possible from Istanbul. - I said to her hoping she would do it.

- Of course, but I am scared how the things will go now. Father haven't decided who is going to be Grand Vizier now. I have to wait with the decision still. - she said to me.

As I left Mihrimah's chambers I went straight to mine and I saw Defne is sitting on my couch with Handan.

As I left Mihrimah's chambers I went straight to mine and I saw Defne is sitting on my couch with Handan

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- Mother, this woman tells me she is my real mother and that you adopted me. Is that true? - Handan said as she ran into my hug.

I felt shocked at that moment. How could Defne tell that to a child which is not yet ten years old.

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