31st Chapter

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I was standing there for the last time having my children in my hand. It was too hard for me, but I knew I must return them to Nurbanu.

I started walking towards her, when I stopped at one moment. I saw Rustem-paşa standing at the edge of the boat from which Nurbanu should go to Egypt. He had an arrow in his hands.

- Will you return them to me? - Nurbanu asked me already tired of everything. I just sighed and pretended that I will give them. But I realised everything.

I was walking as slow as possible as I could towards Nurbanu, to give Rustem more time. I hoped Rustem was good at this, because if he would fail a person, that would be a disaster.

In that moment, I saw an arrow flying towards Nurbanu. I stepped back at that moment because I didn't want that if something wrong happens and if arrow misses person, that my children would be on safe and not shoot.

- What are you doooo...? - Nurbanu said and she stopped once the arrow shoot her straight into her stomach. She went down on her knees from pain and looked at me angrily.

- You... You... I hope only bad things will happen to you... - Nurbanu tried to say me. But she couldn't. She was too weak. She started bleeding from an arrow which was in her.

I just stepped back and didn't care what is going to happen to her. I went to Bayezid which took Murad in his hands while I had Handan in my hands.

In that moment Mihrimah Sultana ran towards us all.

- Thank God you are all fine! You don't know how I prayed! - she said and came to hug us all. I could see she is really happy to see us all fine.

- I ordered Rustem to do that. I needed to take care of this situation. I couldn't let that snake do anything bad to my nieces or Aslihan. - Mihrimah said to her father, kinda afraid of how he would react on that.

- You did well Mihrimah. I am proud on you. The most important thing is that children and Aslihan are fine. - Suleyman said and smiled to us.

Bayezid kissed my forehead which made me feel safe finally. I finally got rid of Nurbanu, thankful to Rustem-paşa. I owe him my life and lives of my children. If Mihrimah Sultana didn't do it, I wouldn't wake up tommorow.

Carriage came to take us all in Palace. I came into the carriage with Mihrimah Sultana and my children. Bayezid and Sultan Suleyman decided to go to Palace back with horses, as they came here.

I sighed as I finally felt safe when the carriage started taking us towards the Palace. Mihrimah was very gently to me and this is the first time I saw how good person and sweet heart she is.

- Aslihan, don't worry. Its over. Nurbanu is dead. You dont have to be afraid of her anymore. - Mihrimah said as she tried to comfort me.

- I won't sleep peacefully in this Palace again, I want to return to Kutahya as soon as possible. I know Selim will do something bad. - I said as I looked through the windows of the carriage.

- They ordered to put Selim in dungeon. Father is really angry on him. He doesn't know which punishment he would give to him. After what he did to Mustafa, I don't think father has heart to kill any another son. - Mihrimah said sadly.

- But he is my brother, I know he is bad person. Still he is my blood, I dont want to see him dead, but he needs to be punished. - Mihrimah said really afraid of what is going to happen with her brother.

- I understand you, Sultana. Its hard for you because you always have to pick which one you will support between your brothers. - I said to her because I knew how she feels.

- But I am ready to do whatever is needed to put Bayezid on the throne one day. You must take care of him while you are in Kutahya. He must do only good things. If he does anything bad, father is going to be mad on him again. - Mihrimah said sadly.

- I will do whatever I can, Sultana. I dont want him to fight with his father. Now he must improve his relationship with his father while he is mad at Selim. - I told her.

- You are really smart woman Aslihan. I excatly can see why my brother loves you. None woman would take Handan as her own daughter, as you did. Only person who has pure heart can do something like it. - she said smiling at me.

- Thank you, Sultana. What else can I do. I didn't want poor baby to suffer because of her crazy mother's acts. - I said to her.

At that moment we came to the Palace. I've felt better when I knew Sultan ordered more guards and maids to take care of me and my children, but while Selim was in my presence, I didn't feel safe.

Sultan and Bayezid came bit before us so they awaited for us in front of Palace. I went together with Bayezid in Palace.

- Aslihan, tonight you and my children will be with me in my chambers. I don't want to separate from you. - he said to me while we were walking.

At one moment, while we were walking through the harem, I've felt really bad.

- Bayezid! - I screamed from the pain. He came to me immediatley to see what is wrong. I just gave him to take Handan because I am not feeling well.

At that moment, everything became blurry in front of my eyes. At once, everything was black.

Next thing that I remember is that I woke up in Bayezid's chambers. I saw nurse standing next to me while Bayezid was sitting on bed next to me.

- Aslihan, my love, are you fine? - he asked me really afraid for me. I totally forgot what happened as I fainted.

- Bayezid, it was too stressfull to me tonight. That's probably why I fainted. - I said to him as I sat on the bed.

- Sultana, its not because of stress. - nurse told me happily. I wondered why would she be happy.

- I am sick? - I asked her confusedly. Why did nurse have happy reaction for me?

- Aslihan Sultana, congradulations! You are pregnant! - she said to me with such an excitement.

I stayed at shock. Everyone told me I won't be able to get pregnant again, but miracle happened. Bayezid hugged me immediatley from all the happiness.

Only God knows how thankful for him I am! After I've lost every hope, God sent me pregnancy and another child! A miracle happened.

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