54th Chapter

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I woke up. Everything around me was darkness. My hands were tied and there was a scarf over my mouth so I couldn’t yell. I was tied up in a corner of a very dark room.

The room was very small and cramped. There was nothing in it. In front of me stood only a glass of water and a piece of bread. But tied up like this, I couldn't even move to drink water.

I had no idea where I was, or who brought me here. There was no one in the room. I was overwhelmed by the fear that no one would find me. That no one will even go looking for me. That I will remain irrelevant to everyone and that I will remain here until I die.

Next to me was a window, which I could not reach because I was tied up. I turned slowly, and through the window I saw only a dense forest. There was nothing else around me. I heard footsteps walking around the house, and with their footsteps they broke the branches that stood on the floor. I was scared who was coming.

The old wooden door opened slowly, so that the creak of the door could be heard. After a few seconds, a man of medium height came inside. I couldn’t see his face because he was all covered in black. He was wearing long black suit.

He soon took off his hood and I could see his face. I saw Rustem. My heart stopped when I saw him. And he started walking closer and closer to me. At this point, I was helpless.

He came closer to me, and took the scarf off my mouth so I could talk. I've never been scared of anything like this in my life.

- I warned you, and you didn't listen to me. I gave you a proposal, and you turned it down. By the way, you confessed everything to Mihrimah. - Rustem said to me as he sat on the chair which was standing in front of me.

- Where did you take me? Where are we now? Why are you doing this to me? What benefits do you get from my abduction? - I asked him angrily as fear gripped me. I knew that Rustem was powerful, and that he was hard to track down. Still, he is one of the main ones who convinced the Sultan of the assassination of Prince Mustafa.

- Did you really think that I would betray Hurrem Sultan and side with you? Now you are where you deserve to be, and that is where you will end your life. - Rustem said to me as he had evil smile on his face.

- What can you get from my death? You can make my children orphans. - I looked at him with such an anger which I've never felt before.

- The first thing I will take away from you is the property of Hurrem Sultan, and that is her emerald ring that is currently on your hand. You know that Hurrem Sultan cares about what is hers. - Rustem said as he got up and came closer to me.

- Take my ring, take whatever you want, but spare my life. Rustem, I have small children waiting for me at the Palace. Please let me return to them. - I said to him as I was ready to give him the ring.

- Do you think that ring has the same value as your life? That ring is much more valuable than your life. Why would Hurrem Sultan care about your life? She doesn't need you, and everyone she didn't need has been underground for a long time. And so will you. - He told me as he removed the emerald ring from my hand.

- Hurrem Sultana will only distance herself from her son Şehzade Bayezid with this procedure. He doesn't even respect her anymore anyway, this way he will never allow her to return to the Palace. - I told him as I looked at him angrily.

- Hurrem Sultan will return to the Palace one day, as Valide Sultan. Don't worry about it at all. But you won't experience that day anyway. You will be dead when that will happen. - He told me and smiled maliciously at me.

Fear got all over me. I knew Rustem had no compassion, especially not for me. As many people as he had already killed, it wouldn't be hard for him to kill me either. I knew his conscience wouldn't bite him if he did.

- Prince Bayezid will never allow Hurrem Sultan to return. She will certainly not return to the Palace as Valide Sultan. - I snapped at him angrily. I knew my end was near, so with my words I could neither help myself nor make it worse.

- Who says she will be Valide Sultan to her son Prince Bayezid? Did you forget that Rana Sultan was always with our Hurrem Sultan. She chosed the right side, unlike you. You could have been on Rana's place if you were smart enought, but you weren't. Now Hurrem Sultan will put Prince Suleyman on the throne. - Rustem told me and entered my face.

- That is impossible. Sultan Suleyman is still alive. His only successor is Prince Bayezid. But don’t forget, my son Murad is older than Suleyman. I won't let you do anything to him. - I told him angrily, but the pain of only thinking about that was piercing my heart. From the very thought that Hurrem is ready to kill her son as well as her grandchildren, just for the sake of power. What kind of mother can that be? Where is her heart?

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