4th Chapter

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The next day, I came to the market just after dawn. The only thing that pleased me was Davut's promise to come see me today. Every time I saw the bracelet he gave me, I'd get emotional. I never went to the market with more willpower, and it was all because of him.

And today all the merchants gossiped me in front of the all people. They told everyone how I stood up to Prince Selim. I couldn't listen to them anymore. My only motivation for the job was Davut. I waited for hours. Every time someone came, I'd always think it was him. But he wasn't there. He wasn't coming.

The night was approaching, and he wasn't here yet. There was already disappointment and sadness in me because he didn't come as he promised. I had to stay at the market for a short time still, hoping he'd come in the meantime. But he didn't come. He wasn't there. I felt let down. I picked up all the jewelry and took it with me. I was on my way to the harbor where I boarded the boat and headed back home.

It was already dark. I walked disappointed to get to my house. I went inside and saw all the candles were lit. That surprised me because my father never turned them on. I went in where I saw Davut sitting with my father at the table. I was left stunned by it.
- Nadia, daughter, come sit with us. - my father told me. I was looking at that very shockedly. What was Davut doing in my house?

I sat next to them. I was very embarrassed and didn't know what to do.
- Davut-bey, what are you doing here? - I asked him. I was still disappointed that he didn't come to the market today like he promised me.
- Daughter, he covered all the expenses so you won't have to work there anymore. He paid for our house. - my father told me very happily.
- Why+ - I turned to Davut and asked him with a weird look. He was looking at me with a smile.

- Because I see you don't like working there. I don't want you to have to work so hard. I wanted to give you a better life by paying off all your debts. - he said he laughed at me. I gave him a light smile because I was really grateful. We had big debts we couldn't cover from selling jewelry.

- But why did you do it? - I asked him confusedly. I was wondering what his intentions were.
- I came here to tell you the truth. I can't lie anymore. - he said and looked at the floor. I got confused. What truth is he talking about? Does that mean he lied to me the whole time?

- My name isn't Davut. I'm not Bey. I had to keep my identity in public. I'm Prince Bayezid. - he told me and looked me deep in the eye. I was stoned at that moment. When he told me he was a prince, he didn't lie, and I thought he was joking with me. I faded at that moment.

- Şehzade, i'm sorry, if we'd known we'd have welcomed you better... - my father started talking but Bayezid smiled at him and signaled that everything was fine.

- I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you. You're not a slave I can take in a harem. The only way to be married is if you converted to Islam. - he told me and sent a smile.

- What are you talking about? What marriage? You lied to me about who you are, and now you expect me to marry you. It's not even on my mind. - I told him furiously. I was very hurt by his lies.

I had strong feelings for him, but after he lied to me about who he was, I couldn't afford it. My father looked at me rescuingly.
- Daughter, who are you to turn down the Prince? - he asked me a surprised about my decisions. I looked Bayezid in the eyes.

- If I'd known the truth about you from day one, my answer would have been yes. Here's my answer, no. And it's not going to change. - I told him cheekily.
- I can't force you to do anything. - he said, and he got off the table. We had to get up as a mark of respect.
- I lied to protect everyone. I shouldn't have spoken in public about who I was. I was hoping you'd be able to understand me. - he told me in a disappointed voice and left our house.

My father looked at me in wonder. I went and sat on my bed and started crying. I had emotions for him. I loved him. But I couldn't get over his lies.

I was hurt by his lies. If I'd known from day one that he was actually a prince, our relationship would have been different. My answer today would be different.

I turned down an offer that all the girls would give their lives for. And frankly, so would I. I felt a bit of a remorse. The last words he said to me made me feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't have reacted so explosively. Maybe I should have let him explain everything.

I was lying there that night. I couldn't sleep because my father's cough was bothering me. He was in very bad shape. I was afraid for his life. I gave all the money I had to the doctors to cure him, but they didn't put high hopes on him. He had lung problems. I was afraid I'd lose him soon.

Since Prince Bayezid paid off all his hopes of debt, I didn't need to go to the market the next day. I had time to take care of my father, which was the most important thing to me.

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