The beginning of Ragnarok.

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When Garito and Seren came home, two people were already waiting for them. Guy and girl.

Garito: Who are you?

Guy: Hi, there, we finally meet.

Garito: If you want an autograph, I'll have to disappoint you, but I don't give an autograph to anyone. Who are you anyway?

Guy: I'm Tani Yuugo but a lot of people know me as Leo.

Girl: Leo.

Leo: My apologies, Miss Yoko.

Yoko: Pleased to meet you, Fang twins. I am the granddaughter of Mitsukado Zaibatsu's president Yozan, Yoko Mitsukado.

Garito: So why are you here?

Yoko: Garito Fang and Seren Fang. I request that you withdraw from the Destroyal.

Garito: Fat chance. Something else?

Yoko: There were new rules and we are a little worried that you will go there too.

Garito: What new rules?

Leo: Instead of a one-on-one match, multiple Brutes enter the battle royale.

Yoko: Hetting defeated in the destroyal means certein death.

Garito glanced quickly at Seren and back at Yoko.

Garito: You're kidding, aren't you?

Yoko: Why would I joke about it. Reiichi Shidoh is behind this. That man is treating the Killing Bites as a test site for his own research. I cannot forgive his attempt to appropriate our anciant and honorable battlegrounds.

Garito: Wouldn't it be easier to tell me to kill Shidoh and then could the destroyal be normal again?

Yoko: That would work, but it doesn't work. All Brutes in Destroyal are chess pieces. If you want to get close to him, you'll have to play. The players who move these pieces are the financiers. Their decisions will determine whether you and your sister lives or dies. Are you prepared to participate in a game with your lives on the line?

Garito: Give me time to think about it, if I call you you'll know the answer, but if I don't, I'll go.

Yoko: One wrong decision could kill someone. Fine then. We're leaving, Leo.

Leo: Yes, Miss Yoko.

They both left, and Garito was standing still, deep in thought but a few tears were falling from his eyes. Seren noticed and slapped him hard.

Seren: Dare to give it up! We've been training for a long time and just because it's going to be a life-and-death fight doesn't mean you're just giving up! I'll be a fighter even if you say no!

Garito said nothing just went to his room and went to bed immediately.

Seren woke up in the morning and noticed that Garito was not home so she made breakfast and watched TV. After a while, the lunch was over and Garito still didn't come back, she tried to call him a few times but never answered. So Seren got up and went outside to look for Garito, but suddenly someone threw a bag on her head and dragged her away.

Meanwhile, Garito is in the park waiting for the two Brutes to come. And then he noticed a guy with a brown coat walking towards him.

Garito: You're Tyrian Callows, am I right?

Tyrian: Of course it's me and I have to point out that I'm honored to see the legend with my own eyes.

Garito: Thank you, but we still have to wait for one more.

Raven: You don't have to.

Garito looked behind him and saw Raven sitting on a bench.

Garito: Okay so let's talk about it, as you know the rules of this year's Destroyal have changed so I have to ask you, are you willing to be on my side?

Tyrian: Without a doubt!

Raven: Count me in.

Garito: Okay so-

Garito then received the message on which it was written: "We have your sister, and if you want to have her without a scratch, come for her right away, if you're late, we'll be bored and she'll have fun with us." when he read it, he transformed uncontrollably.

Garito: I'll kill them!

Garito ran to the address they sent him and came to an abandoned warehouse when he arrived, he noticed Seren that she was bound in something. Then something fired quickly at him. When he looked where it hit him, he saw blood but it wasn't his blood and then it occurred to him.

Seren: Garito!

Garito: Fucking horned lizard!

Suddenly there was a cobweb around Garito and he was bandaged and fell to the ground.

Garito: Fucking spiders!

horned lizard: Good work spider. I'm going to take care of Ratel, you can do whatever you want with them here. (left)

Spider: With pleasure.

The spider approached Seren but noticed that Garito was struggling enough with the cobweb.

Spider: Hey, you just can't get out of it, so don't even try.

Garito stopped writhing and looked at the spider like a psychopath.

Garito: I wonder how you will taste.

Spider: Excuse me?

Garito tore the cobweb and began tearing the spider's legs one by one, and Garito enjoyed every second. When the spider was dead, Garito got up and started laughing.

Meanwhile, Raven and Tyrian came and saw what he did. Then Garito went and threw the cobweb out of Seren and hugged her, then they began to leave, and Garito told Raven and Tyrian to follow.


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