06: Core Memory #3

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Core Memory - Making Her Mine

"So, how was your date? Tell us all the details!" Julia exclaims as Ally and I walk to our cafeteria table. I look at Julia and Raven, each of them wearing excited looks. My blush deepens as I look at Ally who just giggles.

"It was good" I mumble embarrassedly while sitting down beside Ally.

"Wait, just good?" Raven questions, her eyebrows furrowing. I look at Raven and Julia's worried faces and my smile falls. Did I say something wrong?

I then look at Ally who also has lost her smile. Oh shit.

"Wait. No. No. Uh" I stumble over my words, watching all three girls stare at me with progressively saddened faces. I look to Nate and Eric who just smirk at my fumbling.

Ally stands up abruptly and excuses herself and walks out of the cafeteria.

I stare at everyone in shock. What just happened?

"You screwed up dude" Nate chuckles, shaking his head as he takes a drink of his water.

"What? How?"

"How? Did you seriously just ask how? You literally just said the date you guys went on, the very same date Ally planned all for you, was just 'good'. She's a shy girl, Alex. It took a lot of convincing to get her to even ask you on a date and you basically said it sucked" Raven explains and my eyes widen.

I- what?

"I didn't say it sucked. It was the best date I've ever been on" I explain as I look between all my friends.

"Well, I think you need to tell Ally that because she looked pretty upset" Nate chuckles.

"I can't believe you've managed to lose her before you even had her" Eric teases and I stand up and rush out of the cafeteria. I scan the hallways quickly and find Ally slumped up against a locker.

"Ally..." I trail off breathlessly. She looks up at me and quickly wipes under her eyes.

"Oh, hey Alex. What are you doing here?" She croaks out and looks away from me.

"Ally... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said back there" I explain and she whips her head up to look at me.

"Oh my gosh. You hated it. Gosh I'm so stupid. Ugh" She runs her hands through her hair and groans. I slumped down beside her, my heart thudding nervously. This conversation is so not going how I meant it too. How do I talk to girls without making a complete ass out of myself?

"Ally, no! I loved it. Trust me. I loved the date. I loved spending the day with you. I've never had so much fun ever. Ally, I really really like you. Please don't be sad cause I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to express myself" I whisper out, taking a piece of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. My hand lingers on her cheek and I brush my thumb across her soft skin.

"You loved it?" Her eyes widen hopefully.

"Yeah, Ally. I really loved it. I want to do it again. And again. And again. I know this isn't near as romantic as I planned in my head but will you be my girlfriend?"

Her breathing stops and she breaks out into a grin.

"Yes." She whispers and I take a moment to register her words before pulling her closer and kissing her.

Her lips move in sync with mine and I can't believe how lucky I've gotten. I want to kiss her over and over again.

"Hey woah! Get a room people! Jeez guys I never expected you two to be the type to get it on in the hallway!" Eric teases and I groan at the interruption. I pull my lips away from Ally's but keep my hand pressed up against her newly flushed cheeks.

I stare up at my friends crowding around us, all with eager stares.

"She's my girlfriend guys, you can all stop with the creepy looks you're giving us. And Eric, you better stop flirting with Ally now that she's mine" I scold, trying to give my best death stare to my friends. I seriously don't want them messing with my girl. She's already shy enough. I'll do anything to protect her.

"Ahh you know Alex, I would but I kinda had Ally first so I just don't think it's fair to stop my flirting. And we all know that she's only using you to make me jealous and while I'm flattered babe, truly I am, I love Alex. He's my bro and I can't do him like that, you understand don't you Ally?" Eric dramatically sighs and I stifle a laugh.

"You're a fucking dumbass Eric" I shake my head as I stand up and extend my hand to Ally. She takes it and stands up as well. She leans into my embrace and whispers into my ear.

"You don't have to worry about Eric stealing me away, my heart only has room for one" She pulls away to see my shocked face. She giggles as she places a chaste kiss on my lips and leaves me to stand frozen like an idiot in the hallway.

"I'm stealing your girlfriend away!" Raven cheers as she links arms with Ally and Julia and they walk off down the hallway.

Nate and Eric look at my stunned face and stifle their own laughs.

"She's not even been your girlfriend for five minutes and she's already trying to get away from you" Eric jabs and I wind my hand back and slap the back of his head. He groans, rubbing the spot tenderly.

"Asshole" He grumbles.

"Dipshit" I fire back.


"Hey!" I defend. I'm not a nerd. I may have the glasses, and the grades, and the looks, maybe even the personality but I still don't like the stigma around it. It's like totally not cool to be called a nerd. How am I supposed to keep a beautiful, intelligent, charming girl like Ally if all I really am is nerdy.

"Aww buddy you know I didn't really mean it. But if we're being honest here, you do-" He starts but I send him another death glare that shuts him up pretty quickly.

"Are you guys done the bickering? Jesus you two act like an old married couple" Nate groans, punching us both in the shoulder and taking off back to the cafeteria where Eric and I follow him, shooting each other dirty looks without Nate knowing.

I have a girlfriend now. Damn, I have a girlfriend now. And not just any girl, Ally.

She told me her heart only has room for one and I'm going to try my damn hardest to be the one for her.

Cause I already know without a doubt she's the one for me.

Vote and comment what you think!!

Next Update: Wednesday!!

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