19: Journal Entry #10

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Journal Entry #1o

September 1st

A year since

It's been one hell of a year, sweetheart. I can't even begin to explain all the emotions and thoughts running through my head right now. I keep thinking back to this very day last year. God, it was the worst day of my life. Holding your hand while you lay uncomfortably still on a hospital bed, watching you take your final breaths. Even while dying you were still the most beautiful girl Ally. Maybe that's a bit morbid, I don't know at this point. But you've always been so beautiful. Even when you couldn't see your beauty anymore, even when you convinced yourself you were ugly, you still were the most beautiful woman I had ever met. You never lost your beauty, sweetheart, if anything, you became more beautiful. You're courage and bravery and strength made you so much more beautiful. God, Ally, you really were something. All throughout our relationship, I always thought about how lucky I was to have you, and to this day, even a year after you left, I still think about how lucky I was to be the one you chose. I was so lucky to have the privilege of calling you mine, to have the privilege of loving such an incredible person like yourself. In the short time we spent together, you made my life so much better, you filled it with meaning, with purpose. Today our friends and I visited your grave. As always, we gave you flowers and the group said some meaningful words. I didn't say much. I hope you can read these journal entries I write to you. I hope you know how much I love you even though I haven't verbally expressed it in a while. Maybe one of these days I'll go to your grave and read you these journal entries. That way you can know all about the things I wrote. I've never been the best at expressing myself but I'm working on it, Ally. I like to think you'd be proud of me, that somewhere you're smiling while watching over me, my little angel cheering me on. One of these days, I'll join you wherever you may be. And that day will be the best day of my life. The day I am reunited with my sweetheart, with my Ally. I love you more and more each day. I miss you lots. More than you'll ever know.

Forever yours, alex

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