Bonus: Another Chance at Love

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Bonus - Nate and Raven's Wedding

Nate exhales a shaky breath as he swipes the beads of sweat of his forehead nervously.

"Do I look okay?" Nate furrows his brow as he swipes his hands over his suit jacket.

"Of course. A little constipated looking but Raven the one who fell in love with that face!" Eric teases, lightning up the mood. Nate and I chuckle softly as we wait for the wedding to begin.

Our mood dampens as we all think the same thing. Ally should be here.

I fiddle with my coat nervously and look up to see two sets of curious eyes on me.

"She's here in spirit guys. I know she wouldn't miss this for the world. I'm so proud of you Nate, you've come so far and you deserve this happiness. Don't let the fact that I couldn't get married to Ally ruin your day. This day is about you and Raven only. Have fun and enjoy it. It's what Ally would've wanted" I reassure Nate and I see him tear up slightly. The only other time I've seen Nate cry is when he said goodbye to Ally.

"Thank you Alex. I really needed to hear that" Nate thanks me and pulls me in for a hug. I hold him tightly, both of us needing to know the other will be okay.

"Wow um" Eric clears his throat and we pull away. "That was really beautiful Alex" Eric tries to say that as nonchalant as possible but the crack in his voice shows his emotion.

Nate and I softly smile as we pull him into a group hug. He wraps his arms around us tightly, showing us just how much he needed the hug.

These people are my family. And I wouldn't change that for the world. I love my brothers. I don't think I'd be able to get through this heartache without them.

"Alright are we all ready in here?" Julia asks walking into the room the groomsmen were getting ready. She sees us all in a group hug and raises her eyebrows.

"I don't think I've ever seen you guys hug before" She giggles. Her eyes flick over to me and she sends me a supportive smile. I nod my head gratefully and she claps her hands.

"Alright, we need you guys out there. Raven is ready to walk down the isle and you guys are not where you're supposed to be" Julia laughs as she leads us to the alter, instructing us when to walk and where to stand.

Once the men are in their places, we patiently wait as Raven's sister and Julia make their way down the isle before Raven steps out in her beautiful white gown.

She looks stunning. The smile that graces her face has never been so bright. To think that this is the same Raven that didn't want a serious relationship with Nate all those years back is quite funny. Look at where they are now, getting married.

I look over to Nate to see him swiping under his eye, catching his tears. He looks at Raven like she's the only thing in this world that matters to him. He looks at her so lovingly that it almost makes me sick to my stomach.

It's still hard. As happy as I am for my best friends, it still is difficult to see them so in love. There's a small, human part of me that is jealous they get their happy ending and I never will. I feel guilty feeling this way but I can't help it. It's almost been two years since I lost Ally. But I still have reoccurring heartbreak.

The ceremony finishes and the guests and wedding party file into the reception. The wedding party sits at the head table while the guests sit in tables surrounding the head table.

I take my seat down beside Eric and Raven's sister Lauren. I haven't really talked to her at all, just a quick hi here and there.

As we eat our meal, Raven is looking at Julia suspiciously. I can't help but look at Julia too who hasn't touch much of her food on her plate or her wine. Which is very unusual for Julia, she loves her food and her wine.

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