14: Core Memory #7

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Core Memory - Our Apartment

"Is... that... everything?" Eric pants as he flops down onto Ally and I's new apartment floor. Nate and I set down the last few boxes and glare at Eric.

"You didn't even help at all. You sat there and talked the girls ears off" Nate groans in annoyance. We had a set plan, the guys bring in the boxes while the girls start to unpack the necessities. But of course, Eric decided to chill with the girls instead of actually helping out.

"I did so help! I brought up one box and then I may or may not have gotten distracted with the girls. I can't help the fact that I love hearing girls laugh. Especially Raven's laugh mmm" Eric teases as he stands up and Nate looses it, charging towards Eric.

"Ahhh Julia baby save me! I'm being charged at by an angry bull!" Eric squeals as he hides behind Julia. Julia crosses her arms over her chest and sternly looks at Nate. Nate backs off, holding his hands up in surrender. Julia can be one scary girl.

"Eric. You are a dumbass. Stop instigating Nate. And don't call me baby. I am not your baby" Julia says indefinitely and Eric's face falls a little but he recovers swiftly. What was that about?

"Aww Julia, you'll always be my baby. My cute little precious bab- ahh you bit me! You monster! Ally save me!" Eric whines and runs away from Julia and towards Ally.

Ally grabs Eric's arm gently and accesses the bite mark carefully. Eric looks at me with a smug look on his face and looks back at Ally.

"Can you kiss it better?" He asks her and I finally lose it.

"Alright Eric. Back away from my girlfriend" I warn as I push his shoulder lightly.

"Wow, I'm really feeling the love today guys. Thanks" Eric mumbles sarcastically as he goes to mope in the corner. Julia groans in annoyance as she walks over to him and kisses the bite mark better. She wraps Eric into a bear hug and the smile that greets his face is the biggest I've ever seen.

"Alright guys. I appreciate you guys all coming and helping us. We really couldn't have done it without you!" Ally thanks our friends who all give her happy smiles. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss the top of her head.

"Well if that's everything, Raven and I should probably get going. We have a family dinner to go attend" Nate grumbles unhappily while Raven smacks his forehead.

"Why aren't you excited for me to meet your family? Are you ashamed of me? Come on Nate tell me? Am I really that-" Raven's voice gets more distant as Nate pulls her out of our apartment and waves goodbye to all of us and shuts the door.

Eric let's out a big tired yawn and Julia sighs.

"Come on you big baby. Let's get you home." Julia announces as she grabs his hand to pull him up from his seat.

"Oh so you can call me baby but I can't call you baby? I see how it is. Double standards much. Anyway, you two have fun unpacking all of this shit. Congrats on the apartment, it seriously looks great. Oh and have fun breaking in that new bed. I'm sure you'll be very busy tonight!" Eric teases and I look around the apartment for something to throw at him. He notices this and takes the cue to get the hell out. He races out the door with Julia and our noisy apartment turns quiet in an instant.

I turn to Ally with a mischievous look in my eye. My lips curl into a smirk as I slowly approach her.

"No Alex! We have to unpack first!" She scolds me playfully as she backs away a few steps.

"The only thing I feel like unpacking right now is you sweetheart. Come on, let's go check out the new bed!" I eagerly take a few more steps towards her and she squeals as she backs away.

"No Alex I'm serious! We need to unpack. All this clutter is making me crazy!" Ally laughs as she runs into the wall behind her.

"Crazy Ally is so sexy" I groan as I trap Ally against the wall. I pull a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and kiss just below her ear and down her neck. I elicit a quiet moan from Ally and smirk against her skin, lightly sucking on the spot.

Our front door bursts open and Eric screeches like a cat and I pull away from Ally in shock.

"I forgot my phone but damn! Y'all seriously were about it go at it against a wall. You crazy little-" I don't let Eric finish his sentence before I send him the deadliest glare I could ever muster. He freezes in fear and races out the door, yelling something about "don't let me stop you!".

I look back towards Ally who is as red as a tomato. She's glaring at me angrily, her nose scrunched ever so sexy.

"You're also very sexy when you're angry at me" I tease and she huffs out a laugh.

"First, go lock the door and then get your ass over here so we can start unpacking" Ally directs as she turns around to go towards a pile of boxes.

"Yes Ma'am!" I salute Ally as I lock the front door behind me. Ally brushes her hair into a bun and my eyes light up when I see her neck. She's going to be so pissed.

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and hug her tightly.

"What did you do Alex?"

"Why do you think I did something?" I mumble into her hair, hiding my smile.

"I swear Alex if you gave me a hickey I am going to murder you"

"Mmm sexy" I whisper into her ear and see the goosebumps appear on her skin. She leaves my arms and heads over to our mirror. She examines her neck and turns around to face me.

"Run" She growls out and I take that as my cue to race around the apartment trying to get away from her. For such a small girl, she really is fast.

I run to our bedroom and hide behind the door, when she walks into our bedroom, I wrap her into my arms and drop her onto our bed where I hover over her.

I smirk down at her as she playfully glares up at me.

"Hmm now where were we?" I tease as I sink down so I'm laying on top of her, trapping her under my body.

"Alex!" She scolds, running her hands through my hair.

"I just want to cuddle" I mumble innocently.

"We need to unpack!" She states for the thousandths time.

"We can unpack later. Just lay with me" I say as I roll over and lay beside her. I keep my one arm secured around her waist so she can't run off.

"This bed is so comfy" I state and recieve a light laugh from Ally.

"Yeah. Can you believe this place is actually ours? As of today we officially live together!" Ally says happily.

"I'm excited to wake up next to you every day, to see you every day of my life. That is heaven for me sweetheart. Getting to kiss you, hold you, love you, every second of the day is what I'm looking forward to the most" I tell Ally earnestly and look over to see her reaction. Tears fill her eyes and my happy smile drops.

"Oh Ally. Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" I worry as I brush my thumb along her cheek.

"I love you so much Alex. You are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I don't deserve you" Ally whispers, her voice unwavering.

"I love you too sweetheart and it's me who doesn't deserve you. You are the light of my life Ally, I can't wait to start a new chapter of life with you by my side" I lean in and kiss Ally gently, passionately, pouring my love into the kiss.

I kiss her tears away until she's left with a bright smile. That's my girl. My Ally. My bright, happy, lovely Ally.

"I'm forever yours, Alex"

"Forever yours, Ally"

Super cute chapter as always!!

Next Update: Wednesday!

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