Chapter 1

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Alex POV

Today's my first day at king's college. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited. I was home-schooled most of my life until my mum died but we ain't gonna talk about that cuz it's depressing. I never really had friends except for my brother so I'm nervous to meet my new roommates. All I've been told is my room number and the 3 other guys are already there.

I get all the information I need from the front office then walk up to my room. I open the door and see 3 guys arguing. "This is our room just as much as it is yours!" One of them yells, he was tall and buff and wore a navy blue bandanna around his head.

"No shit sherlock but you have you're own rooms! if you're gonna hook up you don't have to do it in the living room!" One of the other guy yelled. he had long curly hair tired up into a neat low pony tale. His face was covered in freckles and he had the most adorable hazel eyes I've ever seen. He's cute.... like really cute.

"You said you were gonna be out with Jefferson! I'm sorry mon Ami if we knew you were gonna be home so early we would have gone into one of our rooms" The third guy says in a thick French accent. He had poofy hair tired up in bun.

"Don't apologise Laf, he said he was gonna be out all day and again this is our dorm as well as him" The first guy exclaims.

"Umm hey am I interrupting something?" I ask awkwardly. They all turn and look at me, the guy with the freckles smiles.

"Hey! I'm John Laurens, you must be our new roommate, That's Lafayette and That's Hercules" He points to the other two.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, uh which one is my room?" I ask looking around the room. There's a small kitchen area and table, there's also a couch, tv, bathroom and four room.

"That one" Lafayette pointes to one of the rooms. I walk in and put my stuff down. I head them talking outside. "He's cute" I blush a little.

"Lafayette your boyfriend is right there" John replies. I was gonna walk out but now I kinda wanna hear this.

"Not for me dumbass, for you" Lafayette spits back.

"Dude you know I'm dating Thomas; I know ya hate him but we're dating so get over it" I dunno know Thomas is but I don't like him. I walk out of my room and they all look at me, John was blushing a little...

"So Alex, tell us about yourself..." Hercules asks

"Ok, Well I dunno I'm from The Caribbean, I'm bi and single, I'm majoring in Law" I explain.

"Cool, Well I'm John Laurens, I'm gay" I smile, at least I know he's not homophobic. "And I have a Boyfriend" and not available. "I'm Porto Rican but I was bored in South Carolina and I'm majoring in art and marine Biology." I likes John.... He seems nice but there's something about his eyes.... he's smiling but his eyes don't look happy. That's another thing, his smiles doesn't look fake, it looks to real, like he's been faking for so long it's natural.

"Oh mon dieu John, il est évident qu'il t'aime alors laisse tomber Jefferson et sort avec lui" Lafayatte exclaims, I realise I was starting at John and blush a little.

"Non je ne fais pas" I reply and Lafayette gasps.

"YOU SPEAK FRENCH!" He exclaims, I nod happily. "Putain de merde! enfin il y a quelqu'un à qui je peux parler! Ils sont tous les deux trop paresseux pour apprendre le français. Oh aussi tu aimes John? Parce que si tu as besoin de la faire rompre avec Jefferson qui est un connard"

"Ok I heard mine and Thomas's names, what did you say?" John asks.

"Je le connais à peine, ni toi. donc même si je l'aimais, je ne vous le dirais probablement pas. aussi il a un petit ami, je ne voudrais pas, je veux les rompre" I reply to Lafayette, he just rolles his eyes. I look at john who looks like he's about to say something but is interrupted by a load banning on the door.

"John! What the hell is taking so long?!" Someone yells. I look at John who flinches a little but Lafayette and Hercules don't seem to notice. I open the door and see a guy who looks weirdly a lot like Lafayette but his hair isn't tied up. "Who are you? John who the hell is this kid?"

John runs over and stands in front of me. "Thomas! Hey babe, this is Alex, he's my new roommate..." Hey says nervously. Why is the do nervous? The guy... Thomas look mad for some reason. John grabs him and starts making out with him. I frown and step back.

"Good lets go" Thomas drags John out. I turn back around and look at Lafayette and Hercules.

"Did you guys feel likes there was something wrong with John just then?" I ask, they just shake their heads.

"No. not other then him breaking the 'No making out in the common area' rule. You wanna go to a bar with us tonight?" Hercules asks.

"Sure but I don't have a fake ID" I reply

"Oh none of us do, Angelica gets us in" Lafayette says.


"Angelica, ya know, the oldest Schuyler sister" Hercules says like it was obvious.

"Am I supposed to know them?" I was confused, I hate being confused.

"Oh oui, you don't know them, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy, They're usually nice unless you piss of them off in which case they will, how you say? Kick your ass" Lafayette explains.

"Oh ok cool"

Word Count: 972

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