Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning- Abuse, mentions of Abuse

Peggy POV

John storms into my room "YOU FUCKING TOLD HER?! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" He screams. Yeah, I know I shouldn't have told Eliza but he doesn't have to be so mad.

"I only told her you were still with Thomas, nothing else..." I say quietly.

"You shouldn't have told her any of it! it's none of your business! Now she's gonna tell Alex and he's gonna hate me!"

"Well you shouldn't be with him! If Thomas finds out he'll kill you, I'm just trying to protect you." I reply.

"I don't need you to fucking protect me." He scoffs.

"John I'm your best friend it's my job to protect to"

"No it's not! As my best friend you were supposed to be happy that I found someone that actually makes me happy and leave it at that instead of ruining my life!" I could tell he was about to break. I hug him. He tries to push me off but then gives up and hugs me back.

"I'm sorry John..." He starts crying and sits down.

"Why is my life such a mess? I don't get it, what did I do wrong?" He looks at me. I sit next to him.

"You didn't do anything wrong, people just don't treat you how you should be treated..." He sighs and nods a little. "Hey can I ask you a question?" He looks at me and nods. "Why'd you get so upset when I mentioned your dad?" I ask.

"Umm... well you know how after my mum died you Angelica and Eliza stopped coming over?" I nod. "Well uh it was because my dad starting getting drunk a lot and... um he would abuse me and my siblings..." He explains. Omg. I can't believe Henry did that, I always thought he was so nice.

Before I can say anything I'm interrupted by Alex storming In and pushing John to the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He exclaims. John looks up at him with tears in his eyes. "Don't you dare start crying! You have no right to be upset!" Alex kicks him.

"Alex stop it's not what you think" I try to push Alex away from him but he just pushes me away and starts punching john. "Alex stop! You're hurting him!" I cry.

"That's kind of the point Peggy! He's an asshole, I can't believe I trusted you." He kicks John again. I pull him away. "Peggy he fucking cheated on me!"

"I know! Just leave him alone. You don't have to talk to him or forgive him but stop hurting him, he already feels bad about it." I help John up.

"No, Peggy it's ok, he can do whatever he wants to me. I deserve it." He looks at Alex but Alex just gets even more mad.

"Don't you dare play the victim! I'm the one that got cheated on!" Alex exclaims, his eyes fill tears and he hits John again.

"Alex you guys were going out for less than a day, why are you so upset about this?" I ask.

"Bitch I told you I loved him!" He looks at John. "Don't talk to me again" He growls. John runs out. I slap Alex over the head. "the fuck was that for?"

"dumbass wasn't it obvious he loves you too!" I exclaim. He looks at me.

"Clearly not cuz he cheated on me." He replies. "I don't even know why, it's not like we slept together or anything, so why did he have to lie to me and say he and Thomas broke up? I thought he was a nice guy but he's just a dick, I hope Thomas decides to break up with him just so he's lonely"

"wait you told Jefferson?!" He nods and looks at me confused. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I yell at him.

"What? Why? He should know..."

"He's fucking abusive, why else do you think John wouldn't break up with him?!"


"Jefferson's been abusing John for ages, I told John not to go out with you cuz he would get hurt if Jefferson found out but he didn't care cuz he fuckin loves you! Now you went and told Jefferson he's gonna kill John!" I explain. Alex's face suddenly changes and fills with regret.

"Omg please tell me you're kidding..." I shake my head. His eyes fill with tears and I can tell he feels bad. "Shit! Peggy why didn't you tell me?! Omg I hurt him so much!"

"John didn't want anyone to know and he'll kill me if he finds out you know so don't talk to him about it and don't tell anyone else." I reply. Alex just walks out. I can't stand the thought that Jefferson know John was with Alex. I can't help but think about how badly he'll hurt John.

Word Count: 813

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