Chapter 18

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John POV

Me and Alex walk back up to our room hand in hand after a brief make out session in the bathroom. I look at him and smile, I definitely make the right choice, I love him and he makes me happy and I feel safe around him. I know he loves me, it feels so much different to my relationship with Thomas, it feels real and and free.

I never thought I would be free from Thomas, I never thought I would be happy, honestly I don't remember the last time I was actually happy like this. Maybe when my mum was alive, maybe if she hadn't died and my dad hadn't become abusive then I would have been able to see that Thomas was bad for me. But none of that matters, I have Alex and he's honestly just the most amazing person I've ever met I don't know what I would do without him.

When me and Alex walk back into the door everyone else is already there waiting on the couch. I look at Alex confused and he just smiles "so John, now that you're finally free and safe we decided to celebrate" Peggy says

"And by that we mean we're gonna go to Jefferson dorm and destroy everything" Angelica smiles.

"So, grab some eggs and knives cuz we're gonna beat the shit outta his stuff" Peggy continues. I laughs a little. I know he won't know cuz he's in jail but I'll know and I'll finally get to do everything I with I had done to him.

We all run to Jefferson's room a and Peggy breaks the door open, Eliza goes into his cupboard and gets out the alcohol and cups "wait Eliza you're drinking?!" I exclaim.

"Hell yeah, we're celebrating, I don't like breaking the Law but I till like having fun" she replies. We all smile and grab our glasses.

"Wait real quick before we start. Everyone raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away" Alex says and looks at me. I smile and nod.

"No matter what they tell you" Herc continues. Everyone's raised their glass then drinks. After we've had our first drink Peggy hands me an a Tennis racket.

"I couldn't find a hammer but You go first, smash anything you want" I take it and walk to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. I've stood here so many times thinking how worthless I am, thinking I should just die, now it's different, now I'm thinking how lucky I am that I survive cuz if I didn't I wouldn't have Alex. I smash the mirror and as soon as I do i feel better, I feel like everything I ever felt in front of it is gone. Of course I know some of it will come back, I know it won't just disappear but right now, in this moment it's gone.

Alex walks in behind me and takes my hand "I'm so proud of you" he says softly. I smile and hug him. He hugs me back "now you ready to beat the shit outta every thing else?" He asks. I nods and all of us start smashing or stabbing things. Somehow Peggy got and ax but I grab a knife from the draw. The same knife he used to cut my wrist. I walk over to the same wall he pushed me up against and calve the word 'slut' into it. Peggy comes up next to me and gives me a sledgehammer. Seriously where the fuck is she getting it.

"You ready to let go of that memory?" She asks. I look at her and smiles.

"Definitely" she stands back and I use the sledgehammer to break a hole in the wall so you can't see the word anymore.

After a while we've completely destroyed the whole place and gotta pretty drunk we go back to our room. Alex hugs me and I smile. "So did that help John?" Eliza asks.

"More than y'all could know. Thank you guys so much you're the best, seriously I wouldn't be here with our you" I say everyone hugs me which was sweet but also kinda awkward.

"Ok now we're done being nice and caring and shit lets get more drunk!" Maria exclaims. I smile and nods.

"Wait a sec I'm sorry but before we do that I think we all know there's something that needs to happen" Angelica points out. We look at her confused "omg, John and Alex finally got together which is great but, Margarita Schuyler if you don't ask Maria out right fucking now I'm gonna stop buying you alcohol"

Peggy and Maria blush "no I-" I roll my eyes and push Peggy into her making them kiss. When they pull apart Peggy smiles "you wanna like go out or somethin?" She asks

"Hell yeah, you took your time to ask" Maria replies and Peggy smiles "so your full name is Margarita?" Maria laughs.

"Oh shut up" Peggy replies but smiles. We all smiles and start drinking again, i keep looking over at Alex but he's already looking at me. I love him, I don't even know why I ever questioned going out with him or not, well I mean of course I know why I did but I don't know why I didn't feel safe around him, after all he's done for me. He's just so perfect and kind and he loves me. He makes me feel happy and free and I swear to my turtles I'll never let him go.

Word count: 932

A/N so this is the last Chapter, thank y'all so much for reading it, it means a lot so thanks and I hope you liked it

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