Chapter 12

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Trigger Waring- Hospital, Mentions of abuse, abuse/violence

Alex POV

It's been about an hour since John went into surgery. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have told Jefferson and now because I did John's gonna die. Laf, Herc, Maria, Eliza and Angelica arrived and are waiting with me and Peggy. "Why haven't we heard anything yet?" Laf asks.

"He's dead isn't he? Why won't they just fucking tell us already? there's no use waiting..." I reply.

"Alex shut the fuck up! You're not helping anything by saying that, they would have told us by now if he was dead" Maria shoots back, Peggy was sobbing into her shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry the guy I love got fucking stabbed because of me! How the fuck do you expect me to not be upset?!" I yells at her. She rolls her eyes and cuddles Peggy. After about 10 minutes a nurse walks over to use. "Is he alive?!" We all look at her waiting for an answer.

"Yes he's alive, He just woke up so you can go see him if you want. He's in room 782." She explains. We all run up to his room. When we walk in I see him laying on the bed crying. I run over, he looks at me then looks away.

"John, are you ok? How much does it hurt? How are you feeling? I'm so sorry!" He hug him but he moves away a bit. Peggy runs over as well.

"I'm sorry.... You guys should just leave, there's no point being here" He mumbles

"We're not leaving you dumbass! We fucking love you." Peggy half yells at him. He looks at her and smiles a bit then looks at me.

"C-Can I talk to Alex alone?" He asks. The others nod and walk out. I look at him nervously. "I'm so sorry Alex.... I didn't mean to hurt you! I shouldn't have asked you out, I'm sorry" He cries

"No John you don't need to be sorry for anything, none of this is your fault. I'm so sorry I told Jefferson. I should have known better but I promise, Jefferson won't get away with this." I hold his hand but he flinches so I let go. I sigh and look at him. "John, I love you. I know there's not chance of us until you and Jefferson are broken up. I don't know when that will be but I promise I won't give up until he's out of your life"

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Why? I lied to you and cheated on you. I'm a horrible person. You shouldn't care about me. You're only hurting me more by saying you love me." He looks away.

"You're not a bad person, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. I love you so much and I'm gonna help you no matter how much you tell me not to." I look at him again but he just looks down. "I'll go tell the others to come back in..." I get up and go get the others.

"I called the police and they're gonna arrest Jefferson but you'll have to testify at his trial..." Peggy explains. John just nods slightly. "How are you feeling?" She asks John. he just shrugs.

"Wait so what exactly happened?" Eliza asks. Me and Peggy look at John. He nods.

"Um Well Jefferson stabbed John cuz he found out that John and Alex were together. John didn't break up with Jefferson before he asked out Alex cuz Jefferson is really abusive." Peggy explains. The other looked shocked and John just looks ashamed.

"Omg John I'm so sorry Mon Ami!" Laf exclaims

"Dude that's horrible!" Herc continues.

"You should have told us, we could have done something" Angelica adds. John tears up again.

"Sorry..." He mumbles. Peggy sits next to him and tries to comfort him. "Y'all can leave if you want, you don't have to stay here for me"

"None of us are leaving John" Maria says. He smiles a little. "Ight now imma go pay Jefferson a lil visit so if any of y'all wanna come you can." She stands up to walk out.

"I think the rest of us should stay here with John but please be careful" Peggy tells her. She nods and walks out.

Maria POV

I walk out of John's room and drives back to the college. When I get there I walk up to Jefferson's room. I can't believe how much he hurt John. I mean I knew he was as shit person but I didn't know he was this bad. I knock on his door, after a minute he opens the door, he was shirtless and I can see James Madison also shirtless on his bed. "You fuckin slut!"

"What the fuck do you want?" He asks folding his arms and leaning against the frame of his door. I roll my eyes ad punch him in the face. "What the fuck?!" He punches me back but I dodge it. I kick him in the balls and slap his face.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You have no right to treat John the way you did." I punch him again, his nose was bleeding at this point and I could already see his face bruising.

"Oh so he told you? Guess I'll have to go teach him another lesson then" He replies.

"No you won't, we already called the cops, you're gonna get arrested and rot in jail." I spit and turn around to walk out. Before I can leave he grabs my arm and pulls me inside. He puts a knife to my neck and holds me still.

Word Count: 952

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