Chapter 16

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Trigger Warning- Mentions of abuse and self harm

Alex POV

So far the trials going well I think. I want to avoid making John speak because I know he'll be nervous so I got Peggy and Maria to say what they know Jefferson's lawyer's a lot more experienced than me so he's doing a lot better. "Mr. Hamilton do you have any other witnesses?" The judge asks me. I look over and Jefferson who laughs and has that horrible look on his face that he does every time he wins something.

"Umm..." I look at John, I guess he can tell what I'm thinking because he nods. "Yes. uh I wanna call John Laurens to the stand" John gets up and walks over to the podium where witnesses sit. "Now Mr. Laurens, how long were you with Mr. Jefferson?"

"A-Almost 2 years..." I look at him and smile to try calm him down. he smiles a little.

"And could you please tell me some of the worst things Mr. Jefferson did to you?" I look at him again. I know how hard this must be for him. I see him look at Jefferson and sigh.

John POV

I want to tell the truth, I really do but I don't think I can. I look at Thomas, he glares at me and rolls up his sleaves. he puts his arms on the table so I can see them, he and written on 'don't do it slut' On them. I look down and I can see Alex looking at me. "N-Nothing.... he never hurt me..."

Alex walks closer to me and leans in "John I Know it's hard but please, you need to tell them" I just shake my head. he sighs and turns back around and I assume sees Thomas's arms "Mr. Jefferson, it's cold in here pull down your sleaves." Thomas rolls his eyes and pulls them down "Mr. Laurens could you do me a favor and roll up your right sleave"

Shit. No I still have the scare from Thomas there and- oh.. he wants to show the court the scare. I guess it's a good thing I don't cute myself on that arm. I pull up my right sleave to reveal the scare that you could still see quite clearly. Alex looks at it and tear up a little but then quickly changes his expression back to professional. "As you can see, someone wrote this on his arm with a knife, most of John's time was spent with Mr. Jefferson and John is right handed so he wouldn't have been able to do that himself"

"Objection! Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Laurens's relationship is clearly more than professional which makes Hamilton an unfit lawyer." Thomas's Lawyer says. Alex looks at me. I look down. I hate when people bring up our relationship, I feel so bad, I keep accidently leading him on and then I have to tell him I can't date him.

Alex looks away. "Mr. Laurens and I may be friends but I assure you that during this trial, he is nothing more than my client" I look down. That hurt to hear. Just because I can't date him doesn't mean I don't love him... I love his head and his smile and his eyes, oh his eyes I could seriously start at them all day.

Not to mention his personality. He's the kindest person I've ever met. He cares about me and he's funny and kind and just perfect... oh fuck "I wanna date him" I feel everyone look at me. SHIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?! FUCK!

"Uh... um Joh- I mean Mr. Laurens now's not really a great time..." Alex says, blushing. I look over and Peggy, Maria, Laf, Herc, Angelica and Eliza who are all laughing. I looks down and hide my face in my arms. Why the fuck did I have to say that?

"Okay, we're gonna have a brief recess. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Laurens please figure out your issue and if you need a new lawyer Mr. Laurens, we can find you one" The judge says and dismisses everyone. I quickly run to the bathroom and hide in one of the stalls. I hear someone come in.

"John?" Alex says. shit, no, I don't say anything and I try to stay quiet "John I know you're in here, can we please talk?" He asks I sigh and come out of the stall. "John I know Jefferson was being a dick but I need you to tell them what happened... if you don't Jefferson won't go to jail"

I look at him confused "Y-You're not mad about what I said before?"

"John I really can't think about that right now, I need to focus on winning you this trial and then we can talk about it ok?"

"Okay... umm I'll tell them what happened as long as I can't see Thomas...." he nods and I sigh. He hugs me suddenly. "W-What are you doing?"

"Thank you..." I look at him confused, Why is he thanking me? I didn't do anything. "For doing this... I know you don't want to but I promise as soon as this is over, no one will hurt you again" I just nod. How does he know? Everyone always hurts me, and I know he will if we get together.. I'm just hoping it's worth it before he does.

"Let's just go.." I walk out of the bathroom. He follows me. We walk over to the others who just stare at us. Maria smirks and whispers something to Peggy making her laugh. "Both of you shut up."

"Sorry, you still recovering from your little make out session in there?" Maria laughs. I roll my eyes and see Alex blush a little. "Omg wait did you?!" She exclaims

"No!" Me and Alex say at the same time. "our relationship isn't any of y'all business anyways. No shut the fuck up we have to go back into court now" Alex says and walks away. I sigh and follow him.

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