Chapter 3

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Alex POV

I can't stop thinking about John. I dunno know why! We met today! Like yeah he's cute but I see cute guys all the time and they never have this effect on me. Not even writing is helping. AND HE HAS A FUCKING BOYFRIEND! you know what it's fine, I'll get over it. It's probably just cuz I wasn't expecting it.

Right now I'm just sitting on the couch doing some work on my laptop. Herc and Laf are in Laf's room 'Studying' If I were them i'd come up with a better lie cuz the Term hasn't eve started yet. I hear someone open the door so I look up. I see John in a red dress and make up. I blush "J-John Uh.. I- I thought you were gonna be with Thomas all day..." I was distracted by how well he fits the dress... I don't have a crush on him I swear

"Oh yeah I was... but Uh he got called into work" He smiles at me, Is eyes still don't look happy, he looks even more broken than before.

"Oh ok, what are you wearing?" Why does it look so good?

"What? Oh yeah sorry.... I know it looks bad, I'll go change" He starts walking/limping to his room. I've seen people limp like that before, he didn't hurt his leg. I'M NOT JEALOUS!

"No, it look good..." I don't have crush on him. I don't have a crush on him. I don't have a crush on him.

"Really?" I nod. He smiles and actually looks happy. yeahhhhh ok I have a crush on him. Fuck.

"Hey um me, Laf, Herc and the Schuyler sisters are going to a bar later you wanna come?" I ask. He smiles and nods. Before he can say anything someone bursts through the door.

"AYO WHO'S READY TO GET SHIT FACED?!" A girl in a Yellow hoodie yells. Next to her is a shorter girl in a red dress and behind them are 2 other girls who I can't see properly.

"Peggy Istg if I have to tell you to knock one more fuckin time I'm gonna start locking the door" John they never lock the door?

"Nah I got a key anyways" She sits on the couch and the girl in red sits on her lap. "Wait who are you? Are you gay? Are you John's new Boyfriend?" Peggy looks at me

"What? Oh I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm John's new Roommate and yeah I'm bi but I'm not his boyfriend..."I look at John awkwardly.

"Ok well we can work on you being his boyfriend anyways I'm Peggy, the only chill one, This is Maria she's the one that's doesn't let me do dumb shit, That's angelica she gets the alcohol and that's Eliza she thinks we shouldn't get drunk." Peggy explains.

"what she means is she as 0 chill, I stop her from getting punched and yeah what she said about Angelica and Eliza is pretty much true" Maria says. Peggy rolls her eyes but nods. She puts her hand on Maria's thigh under her dress.

"Ok, and I'm guessing you too are dating?" I ask. They both laugh. I look at John confused.

"Nah we ain't datin'. Where's laf a herc? I wanna go to the bar already!" Peggy exclaims.

"We're here chill-" Laf walks out of his room with Her, He looks at John and starts laughing "John what are you wearing?!" He laughs. John's smile fades.

"Fuck off. I'm going to get changed now" John walks into his room. He comes out a minute later in ripped black jeans but no shirt. "Lafayette I swear if you stole my turtle hoodie again I'm gonna kill you" TURTLE HOODIE?! HE HAS A MOTHERFUCKING TURTLE HOODIE!

"Uh I dunno where it is..." Laf replies.

"Ugh just take my hoodie" Peggy takes her hoodie off and throws it at John. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. Maria rests her had on Peggy's chest. I find it hard to believe they're not dating....

"Peggy put your damn shirt back on!" Eliza exclaims.

"No! If men can walk around In their underwear so can I!" Peggy snaps back, Maria giggles.

"Peggy just take my hoodie" Angelica gives her a hoodie, she was wearing it around her waist WHICH IS NOT HOW YOU WEAR HOODIES! You get them over sized and you wear them for comfort and warmth not around your waist like some dumb jacket.

"Ok let's go!" Herc says walking out. We all get into Eliza's car... well Laf has to sit on her a lap,  Maria has to sit on Peggy's lap and I'm on the floor cuz there are only 5 seats in the car.

Eliza drives cuz she doesn't drink cuz  'underage drinking is bad' or some shit. John basically runs to get drinks. He brings them over and downs his in one go. "Omg John slow down" Eliza exclaims

"Nope" he goes and gets another 2 pints of same Adams. I start drinking.

2 hours and a shit tone of drinks later
3 Person POV

Peggy was on the bar counter dancing with John, both half naked. Maria was throwing money at her "YES BITCH!" She screams

Alex was next to Maria staring at John. "I WANNA DO A BODY SHOT OFF YOU!" He yells at John. John lays down on the counter. The bar tender goes to pour the alcohol "wait no I want it from his mouth!"

"Sir that's not how it-" the bartender starts but John cuts him off.

"PUT THE ALCOHOL IN MY MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH!" The bartender sighs and agrees. Alex climbs on the bar and starts making out with John. Maria started recording.

Eliza walks over  "omg Alex get off him. John get off the bar and Peggy get your clothes on. Laf can't speak English and Herc and Angelica are about to start a cult to we're going home." Eliza pulls us all into the care and drives us back to our rooms.

Word count: 1009

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