Chapter 2

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Trigger Warning- Abuse

John POV

"Umm hey am I interrupting something?" Someone asks from the door way. Me laf and herc all turn and look at him. He's short, with chocolate brown hair tied up in a messy pony tail and he had the most adorable eyes, I smiles at him. He was cute. Not that I would date him, I'm with Thomas.

"Hey! I'm John Laurens, you must be our new roommate, That's Lafayette and That's Hercules" I Point to Laf and Herc, although I was still a little mad at them. See our room is pretty big cuz my dad's rich as fuck so the college gave us a room with 4 separate rooms and a common area, since there are only 3 of us we said we could take another roommate. Anyways I told Laf and Herc I was gonna be out all day with Thomas, and I was but then he said he didn't like my outfit and I should go change so I came back and they were making out half fucking naked on the couch! We have a rule that we're not allowed to do that! I mean could they seriously not just go into one of the rooms?!

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, uh which one is my room?" He asks.

"That one" Lafayette points to the spare room. Alex nods and walks into the room "He's cute" I try not to blush. I have a boyfriend. I'm not allowed to find other guys cute.

"Lafayette your boyfriend is right there" I reply, I really hope Alex can't hear. the walls are hella thin.

"Not for me dumbass, for you" Lafayette spits back.

"Dude you know I'm dating Thomas; I know ya hate him but we're dating so get over it" I reply. Alex walks out and looks at me.

"So Alex, tell us about yourself..." Hercules asks

"Ok, Well I dunno I'm from The Caribbean, I'm bi and single, I'm majoring in Law" Alex explains. Well fuck. If Thomas finds out I think he's cute he'll kill me.

"Cool, Well I'm John Laurens, I'm gay and I have a Boyfriend I'm Porto Rican but I was bored in South Carolina and I'm majoring in art and marine Biology." I reply. I see Alex looking at me but he seems more focused on my eyes than what I'm saying.

"Oh mon dieu John, il est évident qu'il t'aime alors laisse tomber Jefferson et sort avec lui" Lafayette exclaims. Ugh I hate it when he speaks French, neither me or Herc understand it.

"Non je ne fais pas" Alex replies and Lafayette gasps. Great. Now Laf will never stop speaking French.

"YOU SPEAK FRENCH!" He exclaims, Alex nods happily. "Putain de merde! enfin il y a quelqu'un à qui je peux parler! Ils sont tous les deux trop paresseux pour apprendre le français. Oh aussi tu aimes John? Parce que si tu as besoin de la faire rompre avec Jefferson qui est un connard"

"Ok I heard mine and Thomas's names, what did you say?" I ask confused. I know Lafayette Hates Thomas. I don't really know why but he does. Peggy doesn't like him either. when we first started going out she said and I quote "I dunno he kinda gives me an abusive fuck boy energy and that's not ya vibe" I really should have listened to her cuz she's one of those people that gets a feeling about someone and is almost always right.

"Je le connais à peine, ni toi. donc même si je l'aimais, je ne vous le dirais probablement pas. aussi il a un petit ami, je ne voudrais pas, je veux les rompre" Alex replies to Lafayette, he just rolles his eyes. Alex looks at me, I was about to say something but i'm interrupted by a load banning on the door.

"John! What the hell is taking so long?!" Thomas yells. I flinch a little and I think Alex notices. Alex opens the door and Thomas looks mad "Who are you? John who the hell is this kid?"

I run over and stand in front of Alex. "Thomas! Hey babe, this is Alex, he's my new roommate..." I say nervously. Thomas still looks pissed. There's only one way I know how to make him not pissed so I grab him and starts making out with him.

"Good lets go" Thomas drags me out. We were gonna go out for lunch but now he's just taking me to his room.

"Tommy I thought we were going out for lunch?" I ask, he likes it when I call him tommy, and it's easier for me if he's not pissed.

"We were, but that shirt makes you look fat so I don't want you eating anything today..." He looks a my body, "Or tomorrow..."

"Oh ok.... um what are we doing instead?" I ask, we walk into his room and he locks the door behind him. He goes to a cupboard and hand me a maid costume. I sigh, I shouldn't be surprised, he always makes me put on costumes...

"Put it on" He demands. I nod and walk into the bathroom. I put on the costume, it's definitely to small, I see what he means when he said I shouldn't eat... I walk out of the room feeling very self conscious. I look around but I don't seem him. Suddenly he comes up behind me and slaps, my ass, I whimper and turn around.

"T-Tommy I-I don't feel like it today...." I avoid eye contact and fold my arms over my waist.

"I don't care what you feels like." He pushes me against the walls and slaps my face. I whimper, he lifts my head up and smiles. "You're beautiful..." I smile, I like it when he complements me and reminds me he loves me. He starts dragging his hand up my thigh and I get nervous again. "Come on, I want that gorgeous body of yours Jackie" He whispers in my ear, I nod.

Lol I ain't gon write smut sorry not sorry

After we've finished and I've gotten change I limp out of the bathroom and sit next to him. He looks at me a scoffs "What?" I frown.

"You've got a bruise of your cheek, it makes you even less appealing than you already are" He looks back at his phone, I sigh and walk into the bathroom. He confuses me... sometimes he calls me Beautiful and other times he says I'm ugly. I put on make up to conceal the bruise, I also put on some mascara and more concealer to cover my freckles. He doesn't like my freckles. I mean they're gross... he's right I should hide them all the time.

I walk back out to him. "Do you think I'm pretty now?" I ask. He looks at me blankly then looks at my outfit.

"Not really" He looks back at his phone again. I sigh and walk into the bathroom again. I look at myself and sigh. I find see the dress I left here last week and put it on. Sometimes he likes me in dresses other times he says I'm too girly so I'm hoping he likes it.

I walk out and sit on his lap. "Tommy? Am I pretty now?" What am I saying? Of course I'm not pretty.

"No your not, you look like a girl. just go away you're so annoying" He pushes me off him and onto the floor. I whimper a little and stand up. I knew he wouldn't like it.... I knew he would hurt me, why do I keep trying to impress him? I sigh and walk back to my room.

Word count: 1286

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