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 For Hix <3

AUTHORS NOTE: Hi people! So this is the first story I have ever written properly... Ok, don't leave because I said that- please give it a chance! I am so nervous about uploading this that it's crazy. I never know how to start a story so I might have to upload the next part as well to make up for this. I apologise for any mistakes and I just really hope you enjoy it. Fingers crossed! <3 L xx

P.s. after a while there may seem a lot of chapters, but they are quite short. Also, names in brackets mean that it's written from their P.O.V. (just to let you know!) :)



Nothing lasts forever…

Those three words haunted me for countless nights. Every single time I closed my eyes I would see it so clearly- that one brilliant white slip of paper fluttering gently in the twilight breeze amidst the ashes. All that chaos and destruction and death. There was always death, no witnesses. I was always too late.

Merciless and cruel, the leavers of this note were responsible for murder and arson in over thirty different areas. We all knew who did it, but not once was one man woman or child left alive to tell the tale.

They taunted me from the corner of my mind, figures cloaked in darkness and never challenged, never defeated. They were constantly hidden behind their midnight black costumes and, of course, their masks.

The masks were the most terrifying of all. Black balaclavas designed with the specific purpose of secret identity, leaving only space for the piercing eyes of the murderer inside. The eyeholes were rimmed with sickly green and the stitched pattern of the material created the visual appearance of a monster. If they found you, their masks were usually the last thing you ever saw.

Nothing lasts forever…

 I saw those words over and over again. The calling card that caused the hearts of hundreds to sink like stones. The message that I collected from the ashes of the buildings, possessions and people that they had destroyed, the one which played through my mind as if it were stuck on replay. And why?

Because those words were meant for me.

Because it was all my fault.

Those people didn’t do anything wrong! I was the one who they left the note for and I am sure that they watched gleefully from the shadows each and every time I took the paper in my hands and tore it to shreds.

Something had to be done, someone had to stop them, and considering I was the only one who stood any chance whatsoever, I knew from the start that it was going to have to be me.

So here is my secret and my story. The real one, not one of these myths and legends that seem to shroud me like a cloak of lies. I warn you now, most of it isn’t pretty. Lives like mine never are. But here it is all the same, the secret that started it all.  

All the time they were looking for me.

It was always my life that they wanted to take.   

Nothing lasts forever...


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