Chapter 14

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            Crunch, crunch, crunch.

            I always did love the feel of the snow crunching beneath my feet, making footprints in the white, a trail of where I had been.

            The first snow of winter came as a shock to everyone. We literally all woke up that morning and the ground was white and sparkling, a cold blanket that covered all nearby in an atmosphere of general happiness. Well, all apart from the old man across the road who was trying unsuccessfully to start his car. With a jolt, I remembered he was the one who had overheard our squealing through my phone.

 Unfortunately, school had not been cancelled, but after the initial disappointment I had decided to be positive and enjoy the walk down to school. I walked the other way to avoid the old man, who had gone a little red in the face.

            After falling over onto my butt at least three times before I even reached Jamie’s house (which was only two streets away), I wasn’t feeling as positive as I had been when I started out. But my birthday wish had been to feel happy again and right then, 16 years and 3 days old, I was determined to make it happen.

            I jumped down from the wall in front of Jamie’s door and rang the doorbell, brushing the snow from the top.

            ‘Come in, Alice! Give me five seconds and I’ll be down!’ Jamie yelled from upstairs. I laughed. Her house was one of the few places where Jamie was actually loud.

            Seeing as Jamie’s definition of five seconds was actually ten minutes, I took off my boots and my coat and sat on the steps leading into the hallway. There were a lot of stairs in Jamie’s house. When we were kids, Jenny always used to try and count them all. She would get half way and then give up, however, so we never did find out how many there were.

            As I thought to myself, quietly remembering, I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my school blazer. Sliding it out, I unlocked the screen and smiled to myself as I saw the new message symbol and the blank contact icon that accompanied it.



Jack: Enjoying the snow?

Me: At first I was. I love snow! But then I slipped over a million times and I haven’t even

        got to school yet :(

Jack: Haha ;) You still have to go to school?

Me: Unfortunately, yeah.

Jack: That’s a bit harsh isn’t it?

Me: Tell me about it! But our headmistress is like that- there would have

                     to be a blizzard to keep us out of school.



          ‘Hey Alice! Sorry I’m taking so long. I swear there’s not one pair of matching socks in this whole freaking house! You can come up here if you want.’ Jamie called, as a bundle of socks came flying down the stairs.

            ‘Oops, sorry!’ she giggled as she looked over the banister. ‘Could you bring those up with you please?’

            I laughed. You had to love my friends. Quickly, I typed a final message to Jack.

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