Chapter 20

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Ok, so I am well aware that my chapters aren't the longest, so here's a slightly longer one for you to take a look at. For those who are reading this, thanks so much for supporting this story enough to read it this far!!!! You are truly amazing. Hope you enjoy- if you do, maybe you could comment? <3 L xx



            His necklace was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. More beautiful even than the crystal snowflake earrings that I’d drooled over with Jenny and Jamie since before I could remember.

            Jack had given it to me earlier that week. He said he was given to him when he was born, though he didn’t know who gave it to him and what it was for. For years he had searched for the other half, desperate to hear the beginning of the verse, but he found nothing, not even a single clue.

           Since the night he told me who he was and I finally got my first kiss, we had barely left each other’s side. Not visibly, of course, but that part had made things all the more interesting.

            He would hold my hand as I walked to school and sometimes he’d dare to whisper things in my ear that would make me laugh when a lesson got too dull or I was home alone. But then he’d disappear.

            I didn’t know where he kept going, or what he was doing. I did trust him, but he never told me anything about where he ran to every day, more than once. It was infuriating after Sammi’s constant absence, but just as soon as I would start to doubt him, Jack would appear again, back at my side.

            Also, he would test me. He would sometimes tickle me and make me squirm or kiss me quickly and watch my face change colour, waiting to see how I explained that to my friends. Up to then, I had managed to pull off some really clever cover-ups, if I did say so myself. I was pretty proud of my newfound acting skills, and I often rubbed it right in his face.

            Anyway, back to the necklace that I held in my hands. I had read the words countless times and though they were beautiful, I didn’t understand them. Engraved on the silvery surface in a kind of dark metallic blue colour were the words that seemed to form the final half of a poem. No matter how many times I went over them, they always seemed a bit depressing and a little scary, but like the dark side of Jack himself, there was something intriguing about the necklace and the charm itself that made me fall in love with it. It had grown and grown on me to the point that I barely took it off.

            I could not deny that I didn’t absolutely love the way things were with Jack. He was gorgeous, he was quite possibly the best kisser on the entire planet, he was freaking Jack Frost for crying out loud, and he was all mine! It was still kinda hard to wrap my head around it all.

            The only thing was that Jack claimed increasingly that since he’d met me his powers were getting stronger. This, he told me, was a good thing seeing as he could protect us both. But it also meant that he couldn’t kiss me for as long as he could at first before having to step back or move away. I know it’s selfish of me to say, but I wanted to kiss him more every day and I didn’t really care if his powers meant that he wasn’t in control for a moment.

            I mean, I know he was only trying to protect me from himself, but really, what was there to protect me from?

            As much as I tried to stop it, these questions wound their way into my mind. Were his increasing strength and my safety the real reasons he didn’t want to kiss me? Or was there something he wasn’t telling me?

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