Chapter 21

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It's snowing again!!!! It seems we're being warned for severe weather around here- which means more of my favourite- snow! Maybe I'll be snowed in tomorrow so I can upload more... but I'm not promising anything. Anyway, hope you like this chapter- if you do please tell me by commenting. Your feedback is really important to me! <3 L xx



           Jack: I want to take you out. x

          Me: Like on a date? x

          Jack: Yeah like on a date. What else would it be? x

          Me: I dunno. You might be plotting to kill me. x

          Jack: Seriously Alice. If I had ever wanted to kill you you’d be dead right now. ;)

          Me: If that was supposed to reassure me it didn’t work. x

          Jack: Haha ;) You didn’t want reassuring! You managed to take my perfectly innocent offer of a date and turn it around so I sound like a murderer! xx

          Me: Perfectly innocent? You? x

          Jack: You insult me :( but you’re right. I have to admit that my intentions are not perfectly innocent ;) xx

          Me: You’re impossible! x

          Jack: Oh, trust me I know. I’ll come for you tonight at seven. xx

          Jack didn’t even ask if I was free. Somehow he just knew that if I was doing anything, I would cancel my plans to go out with him that night. He also knew that if Sammi was home, which she unfortunately wasn’t, she would let me go. She hadn’t met Jack yet, but I talked about him now and she seemed to be happy for me.

          His final message had been kind of arrogant and confident, but that was just Jack.

            He was on my mind all day every day. It was becoming an obsession. I had always considered those girlish obsessions with a certain guy childish and immature, not to mention pointless, but now I understood why a crush was all some girls talked about and how they never got bored.

            The thought that he might kiss me again made shivers run up my spine. He was such a good kisser. I kept pinching myself every time I remembered that I, Alice Leyton, had made out with the one and only Jack Frost.

            Now how many others could say that?

            By seven o’clock I was in full-on panic mode. After about an hour of trying on every item of clothing that I owned, I had given up on looking fashionable and instead chosen an outfit that just looked like…well, me. I had my hair long and loose, straightened. And I had on my eyeliner and usual make-up, though I wasn’t wearing as much as I usually did.

            Jack was going to arrive any second to take me out on a date. I had no idea where we would go or what we would do. I had no experience. At all. Due to the fact that no boy had ever asked me out before, I was hyperventilating to the point that I wondered if I was developing breathing problems.

            Tap, tap, tap.

            Oh crap. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crappity crap. He was here.

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