Chapter 29

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Well, awesome people, only this chapter and one more to go before it's all done! Now it's just a matter of finishing things up. I have to warn you though, I know it's bad timing but the next few days are going to be chaos (I have to try and convince my parents to agree to let me go on this mega-holiday, which at the moment isn't looking very promising) so the final chapter may take a few days to upload. Please bear with me and continue to vote, comment and fan- if you do it may encourage me to update earlier! <3 L xx



            Shaun’s funeral was held later that day. I cried like a baby, remembering in drastic detail the events of our last conversation. He was brave to the end, faithful, loyal and true. That boy would never be forgotten.

           Kyle never wept openly, though I was sure that he had or would cry his heart out at some point in time. In the most comforting way I could, I told Jack that right before Shaun died, he called him his brother. I had my hand on his shoulder as I broke the news and at my words he tore himself away, striding inside the house as tears of mourning filled his eyes. For a long time after, he was inconsolable, choosing to walk a lap of the forest in search of Sammi, the only one who had thought to flee before his deadly ice-shower the night before. He never found her, and I hoped that they never would, for fear of them getting hurt again.

         Though I didn’t tell Jack for fear of adding to the fire of burning revenge that roared within his heart, but I lived in fear of my own sister hunting me down to kill me. Every five minutes I would glance over my shoulder and at night I was afraid to sleep unless Jack was close. Fear was almost as bad as the physical pain from my countless wounds.

          Still, Jack swore that if Sammi came within a hundred miles of me ever again he would kill her. The fierce certainty in his voice had made his words impossible to doubt.

            Kyle tended to my cuts, gashes and bruises. I was scarred all over and avoided mirrors at all costs, terrified of seeing my face. Jack would kiss me as though I was precious and call me beautiful, but I didn’t believe him anymore. The thought of going back to school wasn’t worth thinking about-especially having to explain the savaged state I was in and the absence of Danny Harding. He was dead, of course, caught in the destruction zone of Jack’s fury that fateful night. At even the mention of his name I would start to cry- I was mentally broken even as my body healed.

            The only scar that I would ever get used to was the one on my hand. The imprint of the necklace had such a strange, treasured set of memories that I actually didn’t want it to fade, as twisted as it sounded.


            A few days later, I was sitting in Jack’s room, perched on his bed and thinking back to the way Sammi had once been, wondering if it was all a lie, when the presence of a figure caused me to look up. Jack was standing in the doorway, hair somehow back to normal and glorious as ever, but battle wounds lining his arms and bare chest. Kyle had advised him not to cover his chest wounds because they were too severe. They were severe, but eventually they would heal. Right now, they made him look like a long-lost war hero finally returning home.

            He stepped into the room and sat beside me, reaching a hand to cup my face as I turned towards him. A shower of delicate snowflakes fell into my other hand, dancing and twirling in my palm.

            ‘You know something?’ he asked me, pain evident in his voice as well as his eyes. It killed me to see him tortured like this.

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