Chapter 30

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So here it is- the final chapter!!! I cannot believe the end is here already, but I'm glad to share it with you all and after all your AMAZING support  I hope you like it!

I'm dedicating this to mamamia6301 because of  the continued support and advice in those awesome comments! I will be sure to check out your Jack Frost story! :)

If by any chance you want to read more from me, please check out my newest story, Falling For The First Mate. It is a pirate fantasy and romance. Thanks again!!



            Nothing Lasts Forever…

            The ashes of a funeral pyre were all that was left of the boy I called my brother, the scars of our battle would claim the body of the one I loved forever and the closest thing I had to a guardian was retreating into himself, wrecked from grief.

            It was all my fault.

            Perhaps I was doomed always to be too late.

            The snow was fresh on the ground, crunching under my feet as I made my way towards Shaun’s final resting place. I let the frost stream from my outstretched hands as I went, too tired to control my raging emotions. Though I wished I didn’t have to leave Alice’s side, outside was the best place for me right now. Outside was the place where I knew what to do.

            I sank to my knees beside the pile of ashes that stained the glistening white of the snow. For a while I hung my head, sending thoughts to my brother wherever he was now, for the first time allowing myself to replay the events of my life in full detail, as if telling him a story.

            First I remembered the accidental avalanche at that poor village, the day I had caused the death of so many innocents, including Sammi’s beloved mother. I remembered the way she had glared at me and how she had vowed revenge. Mostly, I remembered how sorry I was. Then I flashed forwards to the day I met Kyle, the way he had helped me and sworn to keep my secret.

            The memories kept flowing after that. I saw the day I saved Shaun from his abusive parents, the various wrestling matches we had, the first time I laid eyes on the blue-eyed Alice at the window. The first time I kissed her under the weeping willow. The day we had visited Jenny and Jamie, singing along to the tune of that demented beaver toy.

I remembered little Toby, wide-eyed and awestruck in the snow. Our date, when Shaun managed to dive onto Alice, knocking her over. The way I’d hurt her, but she’d forgiven me. The way I had reacted to the thought of her betrayal.

            The memories just kept coming. I replayed the desolate time when Alice was with Danny, the murderous hatred I felt when I realised who and what he was. The way Sammi had looked at me, as if she was finally going to get what she wanted even if it meant sacrificing her own flesh and blood.

            We had won in the end, though. Despite everything.  And I would be forever thankful for that.

         I didn’t think about the final battle, or Shaun’s death, or Alice’s miraculous recovery. I just simply ended my story with a triumphant ‘We won, kiddo. We did it. You did it. I’ll never forget you Shaun.’

            I hoped and prayed that Shaun could hear me as tears fell from my eyes, dampening the pile of ashes…

            The pile of ashes that held a brilliant white piece of paper, fluttering gently in the breeze.

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