Chapter 24

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Another chapter for you awesome people seeing as the snow kept me home today!!! I have been writing all afternoon, mainly on my first poem 'Days, Weeks, Months.' I would love it if you guys could check it out and give me feedback because, like I said, it's my first. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. <3 L xx



             It had been four days since Jack left. Four days of feeling cold and empty and alone, save for the times when Sammi would come home and attempt to cheer me up. Four days of wishing that fight had never happened and that I wasn’t afraid of every word I said in case he was watching and waiting to attack.

            And the worst part? I knew I was still in love with him. To be in love with someone you will never see again is like a winter without snow- you wait endlessly for it, yet it continues to disappoint you newly every day.

            The worst part was that it was the final few days of school before the Christmas holidays. So I still had to drag myself round to Jamie’s every morning and go to school and watch Danny, yet another person who had let me down, flirt with just about everyone since he seemed to have broken up with Freya. Once upon a time I would have been thrilled, and I was still secretly pleased, but losing Jack weighed more heavily on my heart and mind than Danny’s love life.

            Still, it was on that day that I had just excused myself from the lunch table I shared with Jenny and Jamie to go to the bathroom. I was walking down the corridors, trying not to get shoved or elbowed by all the others who had decided to take the same route, and lost in thought about all the different things I could have done to convince Jack that I didn’t go back on my word.

            Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into one of the nearby history classrooms. I squealed as I found myself inside, ready to confront my attacker and fight for my life.

Again, nobody there.

The room was typically full of workbooks and desks, and the whiteboard at the front was still on, the projector buzzing overhead, but there was nobody in the room except for me and…Danny.


            ‘Danny, what are you…I mean, why did you..?’ I trailed off, stuck for words as my conflicted emotions found an opportunity to wage war in my brain.

            ‘Hello to you too, Alice.’ Danny laughed, suddenly friendly and open.

            I had missed his laugh. I didn’t hear it anymore and it sounded good. Ok, fine, it sounded more than good. I couldn’t stop myself; I laughed with him.

            ‘I just wanted to apologise for the other day. You know, when the guys were targeting you and your friends. I should have said something to them, but I didn’t know what. So I’m sorry.’ he was saying.

            I looked up into his dark brown eyes and he blinked down at me. He was serious, so I was taken completely by surprise.

            ‘It’s Ok.’ I stuttered, almost as convinced that I was dreaming as I had been when I first saw Jack.

            ‘Good.’ Danny said. ‘Because I decided I don’t care what they think. I won’t let them mess with my best friends.’

            Best friends? Where was all this coming from? This was the guy who hadn’t spoken to me at all for the last month or so, clearly giving me the message that he wanted nothing more to do with me or my friendship.

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