Chapter 23

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Hello again people! Sorry for being so evil and leaving the last part on such a weird note then not uploading all weekend. It snowed really heavily and for most of the weekend I was outside making the most of it! Anyway, I hope this has been worth waiting for.  <3 L xx



            Yawning and stretching, I rolled out of bed far too early the next morning and stood looking at myself in the mirror.

            In the pitch black of a midwinter early morning, my face shone with a creepy glow, but my eyes sparkled with a light that hadn’t been there before. Was this it? Was this what love felt like?

            I looked closer into the mirror.

            What was so special about this dark haired, deathly pale sixteen year old girl? Why was I the one who Jack had chosen, out of the millions of people within his reach? I didn’t know the answer, but I was truly glad of it whatever it was.

            Thinking back to my date with Jack the day before, I could clearly remember the way he’d kissed me. At first he’d been totally himself, that shining familiarity in those piercing silver eyes, but then it was visible even to me how much he was fighting with himself, trying to keep control. He had hurt me, but not badly or intentionally. All that was left was a slight red mark, a sore tenderness on the skin of my neck where he had lost control of his power, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

            However, the fact that his power was too strong wasn’t what played on my mind, clouding my thoughts and dragging them back to the same place no matter how hard I tried to distract myself.

            In my head I returned a thousand times to the moment after the shock of his power hit me. I had let out a gasp, or some kind of startled cry, and yet Jack had continued to kiss me fervently, almost as if he could not let me go. Even when I struggled against him, he was reluctant to back away, almost held prisoner by his desire. This left me wondering if maybe the reason for his earlier caution strayed beyond the limitations of his supernatural power and into the raging emotions within his mind.

            It was obvious that he didn’t want to stop, that he wanted to go further. That we most likely would have gone further if I wouldn’t have been hurt.

             The thought that a part of him had wanted me that badly made my heart leap and soar within me, but the thought that he wasn’t entirely himself, a servant to the power that ruled from within him, made me afraid. If he couldn’t stop, then would it be entirely his choice, what he wanted? Or was it only a side-effect of his raging power and would he only regret it afterwards? It was this thought that ate away at me more than the possibility of him hurting me again.

           It was this sudden worry, alongside the fact that my neck had stung like anything after the flash of cold-burn that had convinced me to force him to stop.

            And, thank God, he had understood. He’d even thanked me.

            The memory of our late-night text conversations made me smile. I had almost fallen asleep replying to him, and then when he sent the final message I had woken once more, read it and smiled, and then gone to the bathroom to change into my pyjamas and remove my make-up before I slept in my clothes.

            That was all I remembered. The rest was dreams of him, as cheesy as it sounds.


            An icy breeze sliced past the back of my neck from nowhere. I didn’t need to turn around to be fully aware that my bedroom window was wide open and I had an unexpected visitor.

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