Chapter 18

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            In all the time I had been imagining what the mysterious boy at the window would look like, Jack was completely different to any of my fantasies. His hair was so light blonde that it looked white, and it fell long and straight into his eyes. His skin was pale, but healthy-looking and he stood a good head taller than me, quite thin but seemingly physically fit. He wore a pair of jeans and a grey zip-up hoodie that seemed far too thin to keep out the biting cold. A silver chain hung loosely around his neck, holding a flat, circular charm. His eyelashes were long and black, the darkest thing about him.

            All in all, he was what I could only describe as gorgeous. And, thinking about it, he was exactly how you would picture a seventeen year old Jack Frost to be. How could I not have guessed who he was?

            In any event, he was far too good looking to be normal.

            And he had just kissed me.

            Jack Frost, the boy from stories first told further back than your great, great grandmother cares to remember, had just kissed me, Alice Leyton, on the lips. I, the invisible girl from school with a slight emo tendency, had just had my first kiss with a drop-dead gorgeous boy who was, quite literally, the stuff of legends.

            And I wasn’t dreaming?

            How had all that happened in the space of a few minutes? I mean, just now I had been practically cowering, terrified that Jack was some 70 year old stalker ready to attack me. And now I was buzzing, thrilled, excited and incredibly, incredibly confused.

            ‘I can see you.’ I whispered, gazing into his eyes for the very first time.

            They were silver.

            Not blue, not grey, and definitely not hazel or brown. Bright, shining silver.

            ‘Hmmm…’ Jack said, watching me carefully.

            ‘You really are him, aren’t you?’ I stuttered.

            ‘Of course I am, silly girl.’ He chuckled, smirking at me in an incredibly sexy way as I almost melted before him.

            ‘Wow.’ I breathed, trying to take it all in, watching him throw me another cheeky smile as he shook the frost out of his hair.

            ‘So, I bet neither Harry the Pepsi guy or that Danny loser could pull off a stunt like this, huh?’ he laughed as he held my hands out before me, flexed his fingers and a flurry of miniature snowflakes fell into my outstretched palms.

            Trying not to show just how impressed I was, I said ‘I cannot believe you’re still jealous!’

            ‘Jealous? Nope. Just amused at your reaction and more than a little bit pleased that I am so much better a kisser than those other guys are.’

            ‘You’re impossible!’ I told him for what must have been the hundredth time. ‘And anyway, I haven’t kissed Harry or Danny before so I wouldn’t know.’

            ‘You haven’t? Neither of them?’ he asked, unable to hide a smug grin.

            ‘No. And I’m not planning to either. The thought of kissing Harry is…ugh, I don’t even want to think about it!’

            We both broke down into fits of nervous laughter, before Jack noticed me shivering and gently took my hand and began to lead me out of the cover of the willow tree. I wanted to hold back, to question him, to kiss him again, but for some reason despite the life-changing discovery this just felt normal. I couldn’t deny it- I trusted him, even though my mind screamed for me to do otherwise. This surge of emotion made me feel slightly threatened.

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