Part 1: Recognising him

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(A/N - hiiiiiiiiiiii, I am a huge delijah shipper. this is the first story I am uploading. hope you guys like it. The story follows the plot of 2x08 of TVD, it may not be exact and the dialogue is different. It may seem long but bear with me and I will come on to Delijah. full disclaimer none of these characters belong to me all rights belong to Julie Plec, Kevin Williamson and the TVDU producers/creators)

Damon POV.

Elena's been taken. Stefan and I have to find her, I have to find my brother's girlfriend, save my best friend. I love Elena, but only in a strictly platonic way. I loved once, her name was Katherine. I realised too late that she never loved me, she only used me for pleasure. After the evil slut vampire Katherine left, I haven't let myself, love, I can't fall in love, after all, they always leave. Love was not written in my cards and I had accepted that now, love for me was doomed.

The young Bennett witch did a locator spell to find Elena and we know where Elena is, according to the spell she is in a warehouse outside of our neighbouring town, Whitmore. Stefan and I are on our way to the abandoned warehouse, the atmosphere in the car is tense, I sigh and turn over to Stefan,

"You're obsessing brother, I can see wrinkles in your forehead stef"

He clenched the wheel, clearly stressed and in no mood for jokes. I took out a blood bag from a bag Caroline packed us, B Positive of course typical Caroline. I offer some to Stefan to tease him but I am left in shock when he says yes. I raise my eyebrows,

"Careful baby bro, you wouldn't want to offend the squirrels would you?"

He rolls his eyes and starts to explain,

"I've been feeding off of Elena's blood, a drop a day to build up a tolerance and control my bloodlust and no-"

"Not go ripper on us"

I finish for him smirking,

"well brother I am extremely proud of you"

We pulled up outside an abandoned warehouse and prepared to go inside. This is it.

Elena POV.

I received Bonnie's magical paper message, the Salvatore brothers are coming to rescue me, I just have to buy time and get out of this alive. The woman who was holding me hostage seemed scared, her brother more so than her.

"Rose, was it?"

she turned her head up to look at me. I knew she was in no mood to talk. Still, I carried on, "you don't seem like a bad person let me go and we can help you."

Rose was unimpressed. When she didn't say anything, I asked her

"Who are the originals? Why are you so scared of them?"

Her brother sneered at me and pinned me to a wall showing his vampire face,

"Shut up you nosey bitch"

he exclaimed

"let me kill her Rose, who cares we will keep running Klaus and Elijah will continue to chase us"

Finally, Rose spoke

"leave the girl Travis."

It was tense between the two until he sighed and released me, I began to cough and tried to return my breathing to normal.

"I am tired of running, I will bargain for our freedom with this doppelganger. Elijah is noble he will keep his word, besides when Niklaus gets her he will kill her, we might as well inform her who she is losing her life to."

And so she began, Rose told me all she knew about the original family and the first vampires to ever exist. She also told me how they need me as I am the human doppelganger of Katherine.

There was a knock on the door. Travis went to open it, a lean 5'9,5'10 brunette man in a suit walked in. He was a vampire, he speeded towards me and grabbed my neck. My eyes grew wide in fear. He slowly lowered his head till his nose touched the skin on my neck, unaware of what he would do, my breath hitched. He smelled my blood and was shocked.


He was pleased that I was ... Human I guess. He set Travis and Rose free but killed Travis when Travis simply questioned him and Rose screamed before being told to leave.

"You must have many questions"

the man started calmly

"let's talk".

Damon POV.

I saw a girl in tears run out of the warehouse while Stefan and I entered. She stopped to look at us, I made eye contact with her but she quickly ran away. Not thinking much more of it we speeded in and hid. We could hear distant voices and people talking, we recognised Elena's voice and our eyes grew wide when we heard her talking to the guy who probably kidnapped her about dying, she spoke about sacrificing herself, Stefan ran to get to Elena while I rolled my eyes and prepared our weapons, Elena has a martyr complex. I hid behind a pillar while Stefan tried to get Elena out, he stopped at the risk of getting caught when we heard the other vampire.

"You're making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me but you can't"

that voice, I recognised the voice. Elena walked out into the open. What is she doing? The vampire flew out to grab her, he had a suit on. Seriously, a suit, the voice, the posture and the stance of the vampire became all too familiar but I didn't think much of it. It couldn't be who I was thinking, it would be too much of a coincidence. I shoved my thoughts and threw Elena a vervain grenade, she threw it on him.


I tell Stefan and Elena I run up to the vampire with a long piece of wood and drive a stake through his chest.

I watched as he slowly began to desiccate and I finally recognised him, no... Stefan and Elena turned to look at me and I motioned for them to leave. I let go of the stake he was killed by and stumbled backwards slowly. I didn't understand why I cared or why I felt a pang in my chest. I stepped back as his face desiccated while he was looking at me.


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