Part 7: Return of Katerina

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Damon POV.

Ok. So I didn't find anything. And neither did anyone else. Well maybe Stefan and Elena did but team stelena has lost contact with us. I've been leaving him messages but he hasn't responded. I'm heading to Chicago to find Katherine and the others are all with Alaric scouring through the woods.
On my way to Chicago, I received a text from an unknown number.
'My sweet innocent Damon, I know you are trying to find me, meet me in the fourth Alleyway of Chicago, xoxo Katherine.'
I barfed. Sweet? God, she doesn't give up or get the hint. NO ONE LIKES HER. But at least I knew where to find her.
When I got to Chicago, I went to the place Katherine told me to find her. She wasn't there. Someone else was though, someone I didn't expect to find in Chicago. Yup. Mr suit and tie. I feel myself flush remembering earlier this morning, what the hell was I thinking. Well, at least I didn't have to go hunting for him separately after I got Katherine.
I went up to him and inspected his face.
"You, you're not Katherine"
I conclude
"I wonder what gave it away"
he replied
I decided to play along with him.
"The classy dressing and curtain hair, Katherine would never."
"I'll remember that for next time. What would you suggest I wear?"
He continues.
And before I can stop myself I say
WHAT THE F-. Why did I just say that? His mouth hung open for a second and he stumbled but regained posture in a fraction of a second and covered up his reaction with a cough.
"Yes I suppose you would enjoy that, it would make us even from this morning."
I was too busy thinking of how to cover up what I just said to care about his reaction. Of course, he brought it up this morning.
"Relax, Elijah"
I tell him
"Katherine is a slut, that's how she would dress."
That broke the tense atmosphere and made us both laugh.
"I knew I could never pretend to be Katerina"
Elijah started to say. He ran his hand along the side of my face.
"She chose the younger Salvatore, I wouldn't. You're more fun young raven"
He says. Ok, I have to admit it, I have become attracted to Elijah but he can't know I like him as we would never be together, so I make another joke.
"You know? Nicknaming is my signature thing. I'm not that happy that you stole my thing."
He just rolled his eyes at me.
"Why are you here Damon?"
He asks.
"Well, I was on my way to find Katherine and I received a text from someone which said 'I know you are trying to find me' -"
I was cut off and Elijah continued
"Meet me in the fourth Alleyway of Chicago"
we both looked at each other and turned our heads to a feminine voice,
"xoxo Katherine"
great. Guess who's back.
"Hello, boys,"
Katherine says. We stare at her arrogant smirking face in shock for a while.
"Katerina, we had a deal, why haven't you run?"
"Well Elijah, I was going to but then I realised I quite like it here in Chicago so I decided to stay here. Besides you have the mystical rock thing and don't worry I'm not here for that."
Ah yes, of course, Elijah has the rock which means he has a witch who is helping him. Elijah turned to look at me. He said that he forgot to ask me earlier but strangely asked about Bonnie. I told him she was ok and she just had a nose bleed while trying to fight the other witch.
"Why did you not tell me earlier"
I teased, he pressed his lips together
"I was momentarily distracted."
I smile. He quickly moved back to the moonstone.
"As I expected, Bonnie is an extremely powerful Damon, I had a french quarter witch of New Orleans, one of the strongest and Bonnie killed her while fighting her, when you stopped her the resistance stopped and the witch freed the stone before dying"
he told me. I smiled proudly knowing Bonnie did that. Of course, Katherine was bored as the attention went off of her, classic Katherine. She came up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers down my face.
"My favourite badass vampire"
she said
"My least favourite kittykat"
I replied and threw her off onto the floor. I do not support violence against women... But Katherine, well she is barely a woman, she's mad.
"Ow. Ugh rude"
she got up. Elijah watched amused before stepping in and asking
"What do you want Katherine?"
"I want us three to work together," she says.
I laugh at her
"not a chance in hell"
I start to walk away from them.
"Damon, wait."
He calls after me, I stop. Why am I listening to him?
"Hear her out Damon"
I hear Elijah say. I walk back towards them.
"Think about it. What is the one thing we all want? Klaus is gone right. I have been running from him my whole life. I know what we need to do to make sure he never comes. Someone worse than Klaus. The one person he fears. We have to wake someone up, I need your help because if we do he will unleash hell on us all, so we have to control him. Think about the power the three of us have working together with the Bennett witch. No one can know. The two of you will continue working with the guys in mystic falls on the current plan. For this to work we need Elena out of the picture, the person we awake can not know there is a human doppelganger. That's where you need me. I will come and ruin their relationship so they become distant or at least fake a breakup. So you in?"
I look at her shell shocked
"you cunning evil little bitch, I love it. I am in. I am sure Bonnie will help us. Though Katherine, who are we waking up?"
I ask her. She smirks at me
"Mikael Mikaelson"
she replies and at the same time Elijah says
"My father".
I turn and look at Elijah and I ask him whether or not he is ok with this. He doesn't seem like he wants to wake up his father.
He nods his head
"Let's do this."
The three of us look around at each other smirking and ready to unleash hell on Earth. Hopefully, we can control him.

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