Part 13 : Bitten

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(A/N - OMG ITS THE SACRIFICE.CHAPTER, AUNT JEN IS GONNA DIE NOOOOO, OR MAYBE I WILL LEAVE HER ALIVE WHO KNOWS, ALSO OUR MAIN COUPLE MAY OR MAY NOT FINALLY KISS, but it won't be a proper one yet. Also, I have no idea where the actual fuck this story is going)

Damon POV.

"You had a plan, this whole time. You are the reason Katherine is back the reason Elena and I had to break up. I can't believe you would go behind our backs to work with Elijah and you forced Bonnie to work with you threatening her. I thought you changed Damon, what the hell happened, why would you lie to me?"
Stefan says. Right now me and him are downstairs figuring out the next plan. Tyler and Caroline had been kidnapped for the sacrifice and Klaus wants Elena. He had a whole master plan to become some big bad vampire, wolf thing, something about becoming the original hybrid I don't know I got bored. He wants to kill Tyler, Caroline, a witch and Elena. Elena being Elena agreed to sacrifice herself but we are not going to let that happen, so while Stefan tries to talk to Klaus I will go save Lockwood and vampire barbie. I help these kids so much, I swear I am seriously underappreciated. Maybe I'll call Elijah to help me. No that will be awkward, after the whole ... the car.
"Relax would you Stefan, Katherine couldn't care less about you, you and Elena just had to be upset enough to not want to go to the dance without asking any questions, of course, because it is Katherine she chose the dramatic option. But I am the reason your girlfriend is still alive and once this is all over you can both go back to rainbows and unicorns. Also, brother you forget that the Bennett witch is my friend, I did not have to force her. She helped willingly, meaning yes she betrayed you but it was for your own safety. Now go talk to Klaus while I go get wolf boy and care bear."
I tell Stefan rolling my eyes and walking out. Ever since the revelation Klaus can't be killed, we have a new plan in action, after he completes the sacrifice and turns into the hybrid at that moment Bonnie would do a spell to weaken him further and Elijah would stake him to neutralise and stop his heart but not kill him, Elena would have to die but we have options for that too, a) an elixir to bring her back to life or b) she dies with vampire blood in her system. It's a full moon tonight he needs to do the sacrifice tonight.
The whole day was spent doing deals and negotiations, Klaus has Katherine, she's compelled to stay there, yeah that's another thing, originals can compel vampires. I haven't seen Elijah all day today. I have gotten used to seeing him around all the time. I better get used to it. I won't be seeing him after this whole Klaus thing, there is no reason to and while that made me feel upset in the end we were always going to have to say goodbye at one point. The moon had started to rise but it wouldn't be at its highest point for another 2 hours. I hope that Tyler is not with Caroline, if Lockwood bites her while it is a full moon she will die, there is no cure for a werewolf bite and it is lethal to vampires, Rose died because of it. Now I have to go get the kids out.
Lockwood cellar, of course, Klaus trapped them in there. A witch was protecting the entrance. I hide behind a tree, whiz around the forest to confuse the witch. The witch's gaze follows when her back is facing me. I quickly drain her of blood and snap her neck, dead easy. Then I feel a wooden bullet in my back I groan pull it out and turn around,
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me."
I roll my eyes
"I- Damon I am so sorry I didn't know it was you, I thought it was Klaus"
Matt replied. I looked at him in confusion
"You... We're trying to take out an original...with a wooden bullet?"
I stare puzzled, he doesn't reply.
"you're an idiot Donovan. Now, wait out here while I go get those two out."
He nods and I start to go inside, before going I quickly go behind him and whisper
"Be careful of the creature that lurks in the dark, BOO"
To which he flipped me off laughing. I went inside the cellar.
I heard a muffled response. I ran further in to see them tied and trapped. I quickly undid their ropes and told them to come with me. We were heading out when all of a sudden we heard a crack. Tyler fell to the ground, all his bones cracking.
"It's happening"
Tyler struggled to get out.
"Omg he's transforming we have to help him"
caroline cried
"No Caroline,"
Tyler grunted,
" it's - too - dangerous."
He strained.
"Ok blondie listen to me"
oh I'm gonna regret this
"we will help him but if we do I need you to run? Ok, you will get out of here as quick as you can."
She nods
"can't believe I'm about to do this, if I die, Caroline, I will haunt you as a ghost, ok wolf-boy let's get you to transform."
We waited with him Caroline soothing him until he transformed, he was nearly in wolf form and became aggressive. I pinned him down and he was resisting me. He broke away from my hands.
I told her I managed to hold him down, just as I thought he had control. He did the one thing I feared, Tyler Lockwood bit me. Caroline was still here, I grabbed her and vamped out the cellar locking the wolf in to buy time.
"I thought I instructed you clearly to leave."
I tell her annoyed.
"Omg Damon"
her eyes grew wide in panic
"Tyler - Omg Damon Tyler he - he bit you, are you ok?"
"Caroline, caroline, HEY caroline, look at me, it's fine I'm fine it was more of a nip okay?"
We hear banging from the cellar.
"Ok, Caroline this time I need you to go and don't tell anyone about this especially not Stefan, promise me?"
I ask her
"Damon I -"
she hesitated
"goddammit Caroline Promise"
I get frustrated
"Ok ok I promise I won't tell"
she nods furiously
"Good now run and take Matt with you,"
I instructed her she's off and the cellar doors burst open, wolf Tyler looks me in the eyes I stare right back at him before smirking
"Catch me if you can be doggy."
And sped away. Now, Tyler and Caroline were safe and everything was on track but I had been bitten, whoops, we will figure something out, besides I have time before symptoms start. I make my way over to Alaric's house which Klaus has taken over.
I walk in and greet them like I own the place, Stefan looks at me in confusion and Klaus seems amused.
"Glad to see someone is excited about death and murder"
Klaus begins
"Old Stefan here is still mad his GF has to die. But just as soon as he brings her to the location we can begin."
"I will bring Elena, I will leave now, I assume you will meet us there."
Stefan said aggravated, Klaus smiled gesturing for Stefan to leave, Stefan was angry and annoyed but he left.
"Ah Damon, you seem fun it is unfortunate we had to meet under circumstances like this."
I cocked my head up and toasted my glass of bourbon towards him.
"Well, Klaus, now don't get mad but I freed Tyler and Caroline."
I tell him.
he growls
"I assumed you had back up."
I shrug.
He laughed
"Of Course I do, there's always a Plan ABC... You see I thought someone would try to save them, it being you was a shock, Now I guess Jenna and Jules will have to do."
My eyes grow wide
"no not Jenna, you need a vampire leave her take me"
"Ooo that is a good negotiation but I can't use you, Damon, you are already as good as dead"
he smirks at me.
He knows of course he does, I ignore his smug look and bump past him to go to the location of the sacrifice.
I see Stefan there with Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Elijah. Alaric and Jeremy come as well.
"No, you guys can't be here, leave."
Stefan tells Alaric and Jeremy.
"He has Jenna, Stefan you can't stop me."
Alaric states. I look between them. It's tense.
"Can we just get on with it, the moon is almost at its full we need to act fast."
I start to rush them in case my symptoms begin.
Stefan stares at me in disbelief
"You know, Damon, what I don't get is why are you in such a hurry to get this done with? Is it because of Elena, have you fallen for her but once again another girl chose me, so you want to sweep in and save the day so she loves you? Is that what it is Damon?"
I stare at Stefan in disgust.
"Ugh, seriously Stefan."
Caroline exclaims. I looked at her, warning her to shut up knowing she was about to talk about the bite. She groans and stops talking. Elijah looks pissed, almost as if he is about to kill Stefan, he wanted to defend me and for the first time I was glad to have someone who wanted to defend him, I didn't realise there was a smile playing on my face until Bonnie nudged me raising her eyebrow, I roll my eyes and nudge her back. Caroline looked at us confused.
"He is your older brother, show some respect"
Elijah calmly speaks to Stefan.
"This is family stuff Elijah, don't get involved."
Stefan shoots back. I love my younger brother but he gets annoying when he's worried. Elijah looks pissed like he's going to kill Stefan. I walk up to Elijah and I drop my hand gently onto his forearm. He looks down at my arm, inhales before walking away from Stefan. Bonnie and he walked off to prepare for the next part of taking down Klaus. Caroline looks at me, clearly watching the whole exchange, she gasps and points at me, then covers her mouth. Great, she's figured it out, I can see her trying not to squeal, oh god, if Caroline knows the whole world will know.
"Now that the family drama is done, let's begin shall we"
a rich voice with a British accent spoke.

(A/N guys I'm going to cut this chapter short and end it here and add another chapter so it doesn't become too long. But the part after is gonna be quite long)

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