Part 4: His raven

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(A/N - This is after the Salvatore's and Elena escape - it should eventually match up to the morning after where Damon fell asleep during his dreams.)

- Back to the present day-

Elijah POV.

After I removed the stake from my chest and drank some blood from a lady outside the warehouse who was kind enough to offer, I made my way to the Gilbert residence. The lovely lady who answered the door introduced herself as Jenna, Elena's aunt. She was kind and pretty, she invited me inside her house. I saw Elena come down the stairs calling for her brother Jeremy and her aunt to introduce us, I waved at Elena and smirked at the horror on her face. Jenna leaves to go see someone, Elena runs upstairs to get Jeremy and call Stefan. By the time Elena got upstairs, I was already standing outside Jeremy's door.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
I told her
"I just wish to make a deal, a proper one this time."
"I can't give you what I want Elijah. I am sorry," she says.
"Elena it seems you have misunderstood me, I am offering you and your friends protection and help against Klaus in return for just one thing, being able to keep an eye on you. I would say that is a good offer, layout your terms and we can work to come to an understanding."
"Elijah, my friends and family, you have to protect them too, the deal has to extend to them as well that's all I ask."
That's all she asks of me.
"Very well I will try and ensure the safety of your loved ones Ms Gilbert."
"Including Damon, you can't kill him or let him die."
she raises her eyebrows. I sigh,
"Ms Elena Gilbert, I will protect you and not kill Damon Salvatore, now do we have a deal?
She agreed. Elena Gilbert was now under my protection and my rules. Unfortunately, it extended to her friends and family meaning I had to protect them if I could which meant I wasn't allowed to kill Damon Salvatore. At this moment, Elena was more important than any hatred towards Damon. I saw myself out of the house and wondered about mystic falls. It is a beautiful town. I stayed in a motel overnight planning my next move. I never really understood why I hated Damon Salvatore so much, he snapped my neck, I snapped his, even right? But every time I saw the young raven I had the urge to hurt him or annoy him enough to see him again. I hated him so much I compelled him to stay in New Orleans. He hates me, I hate him. In 1942 and even now... It is easier to hate him than to consider an alternate reason as to why seeing him angry and fighting with him is fun. There is no other reason, Damon made me his enemy.
I saw the sunrise the next morning and found myself at the Salvatore boarding house, outside the older Salvatore's room which was open, he did not close his door. I went closer to him quietly and I took off his daylight ring. I returned to my original position. I knocked on Damon's door before shouting
Damon awoke quickly ready to murder the person who woke him, he snarled when he saw it was me and charged at me to attack but quickly returned into a dark corner when he felt the sun burn him. I held up his ring
"looking for this?"
I asked. He gave me a bored look.
"Haha hilarious Elijah give it back, sophisticated dickhead"
"You know,"
I tell him
"You really shouldn't leave your door open anyone can get in."
I lean against the door.
"My Ring."
He says through gritted teeth.
"Awh did someone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed."
He muttered and grumbled something about me being an entitled self-righteous asshole, I could barely hear. I shrugged my shoulders and tossed the ring at him.
"I struck a deal with Elena Gilbert''
I started telling him,
"for some odd reason, she cares about you. I don't know why but it means I can't kill you"
I walked closer towards him while he was putting his ring back on
"doesn't mean I can't have fun"
I say turning to walk out.

Damon POV.

That son of a -. He was about to walk out, he was not getting away with taking my ring. Without thinking I went to attack him once again, only this time I ended up pinned to a wall whilst the original was choking me.
"Young, Foolish, Arrogant vampire"
he tutted
"When will you realise Damon, you can not kill or defeat me"
I tried to loosen his grip but he was too strong.
"You know"
I said
"in another situation, this would be extremely hot and a major turn on"
I cracked a joke waggling my eyebrows, he seemed amused and on the serious murderous face, I swear I saw the sides of his mouth twitch. He finally released me and I burst into a coughing fit.
"Don't tempt me to kill you, Damon, I will break the deal if necessary."
We looked at each other dead in the eye.
"I will see you around young Raven,"
he said before leaving. Great, I thought, my past is back to haunt me and does not plan on leaving. I sighed and made my way downstairs. Oh well, guess I just have to accept he is back and in my present world. Elijah Mikaelson is back. But why was I glad he is back and not dead?

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