Part 9: Mystic wolves

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(A/N - so we are having fun, we are enjoying this or should I just stop. I know, I know there is a lot of detail and not enough of Delijah. I am sorry truly, I will try and get more Delijah moments but I'm just loving the agonising slow burn of it all)

Damon POV.

This morning I woke up to hundreds and voice notes from Caroline, I thought something terrible happened. She wanted the dress code for the 60's decade dance. Just because I was alive then doesn't mean I care for fashion. I guess I knew why she asked me, my style is immaculate. It was nice, Caroline organising the dance amidst our current situation is a good distraction.
"Blondie, wake me up for a stupid dance ever again and I will not hesitate to drive a stake through your heart"
I told her as I answered her 27th call.
"Well Damon, you did abuse me for 2 months, so you kinda owe me one."
I groaned
"Caroline, I have apologised to you for that numerous times, I am sorry, besides the sex was with consent and you enjoyed it."
I told her, smirking.
"Ugh Damon, gross. And I forgive you, doesn't mean I won't use it any chance I get, so are you coming?"
I sigh
"fine. I'll be there soon, what do you need?"
"Thanks, just bring some - hold on one sec"
she stops talking and I assume covers the phone.
she screamed.
I moved the phone away from my ear, did she forget I have vampire hearing.
she replies sheepishly. Wow, good luck to them, Caroline is a control freak and she is not letting them leave till the dance looked perfect.
"Damon just brings the fire sprinklers and blood bags for the rest of us,"
she says.
"Okay Caroline I am on my way, I just need to do some things first."
I told her and cut the phone. I have to meet Katherine at the tomb where Mikael's body is but first I needed a vampire. Mikael feeds on vampires and Elijah was kind enough to inform us that. We spoke on the phone last night, Katherine was also in the room, I did say we can just make him feed on Katherine and that there was no need for another vampire, he said it was a tempting offer but unfortunately they still needed her. Oh, and Elijah gave her his word he would not harm her so she remained smug knowing we wouldn't kill her.
I made my way downstairs to the basement and grabbed some blood bags. I came up and was ready to leave when I felt a stinging pain in my chest and my back, I figured it was vervain. I tried to see my attacker and who it was but instead, as I turned I felt another shot and fell unconscious.
Darkness. Nah not really I woke up half an hour later but there was a little problem. Ok, so they may have taken my phone and daylight ring. Also, I am tied to a chair with vervain laced chains and vervain darts around my chest. Intense Deja Vu moment. I had a rough idea who kidnapped me on my own, this is exactly how I killed Mason Lockwood, big wolf guy, Katherine's boy toy, yh the rest of his pack is probably behind this. Blood was dripping from my mouth and the vervain had cut my skin. I'm sure I still look awesome, I am Damon Salvatore, eternal stud.
Aah there it is, I hear the voice of the highly irritating She-wolf Jules, she is talking to other people.
I groan in pain and bring my head up. She hears and walks over to me.
"Good you're awake"
she says
"You know"
I manage to lift my head up
"the vervain darts and daylight ring is a little too kinky even for me, if you wanna have sex all you have to do is ask."
I don't think she was impressed.
"Where is the moonstone?"
She asks. I shrug my shoulders.
"Hand over the moonstone"
she says
"Go fuck yourself"
I was met with a bit of sunshine ... whoops.
"You know if you kill me you won't get it, plus I love burning in the sun, I feel at peace unlike Mason"
I faked a gasp and looked at her angry face
"too soon?"
They used more vervain on me and I hissed in pain.
"Just hand it over"
she says
"and this will all be over."
What is this FBI investigation, criminal minds? I'm not an idiot the minute they got it they would kill me, besides I didn't have it. I needed a plan. What was I going to do? Bonnie would be with the rest busy helping Caroline, Stefan is probably with Elena and god knows where Katherine is. I need time.
"You mean the Rock I took off your dead buddy. I can't seem to remember when I got the moonstone. I think it was when Mason was tied to a chair. Or was it when I poured wolfsbane all across him. Wait no never mind it was when I ripped his heart out and threw it right there by the fireplace."
I said smiling. She lunged at me growling.
"Woah. Easy there doggy, down girl down. Good girl. You know, your bite won't affect me unless it's the full moon night."
I continue to rile her up. She looks around at the rest of the pack.
"Kill him,"
she says. Uh oh. That wasn't supposed to happen. Oops. Suddenly someone else was in the house.
"Looking for this?"
In all their glory stood in front of me was none other than Elijah Mikaelson. I breathed a sigh of relief but regained my cocky composure. He was holding the moonstone in his hand and placed it down.
"Come and get it''
what? Did we not need that? Two of the wolves ran up to him to get the stone and he sliced their head right off. Ouch, that looked like it hurts. The other two had their hearts ripped out. Damn. I have to admit he looks hot killing... Jules ran out quickly. I scoff cowardly. Next to me is a male werewolf covering up, trying to hide I guess?
Elijah walked up to us and knelt next to the guy.
"And what about you sweetheart? Do you want the stone"
he asks. The other wolf whimpers and shakes his head saying no.
"Are you sure"
the kid nods.
"Shhh it's okay"
Elijah tells him
"where's your little wolf friend"
"I don't know, she ran,"
he cried out.
"You know kiddo this is not the confidence you had when you were shooting me with vervain," I say.
Elijah shoots up an eyebrow,
"Is that true, you shot my friend Damon here"
the way he said a friend sent tingles down my spine.
Elijah told him he is free to go, boring. As the werewolf was about to step out the door, Elijah went behind him and ripped out his heart. Woah, ruthless and we still had the Moonstone. Slowly Elijah walked over to me. I felt tense. I slipped lower into the chair to relieve tension.

3rd Person POV.

Damon slipped lower down into his chair to ease some of the tension he felt in his lower body. Elijah stared down at him intensely, every movement slow and controlled. It was just the two of them in a moment of their own. Elijah was nervous but remained calm and assertive, Damon stared up at him smirking and Elijah puckered his lips inward slightly. Elijah lowered his hand down to near Damon's pelvis slowly, tracing the line of the chain he ripped off the first chain lifting the bottom of his shirt slightly exposing Damon's V-line. Damon felt the cold chain on his heated skin. He then grazed his hand across Damon's torso to his arms and pulled off the other chains. Damon could feel heat travel to his torso even though Elijah barely touched his shirt. Elijah slowly pulled out the vervain darts from Damon's shoulders. They were centimetres away from each other. Damon could hear Elijah's uneven breathing, they could feel the heat radiating off of each other. Slowly Elijah moved back.
"You're free to go"
he breathed out.
"You know, I was about to get out of this. I didn't need you,"
Damon said. Elijah smiled and rolled his eyes
"I'm sure you were. But what I think you wanted to say was thank you so you're welcome." Damon laughed, glad Elijah knows Damon appreciates his help.
Damon stood up and he and Elijah were face to face. Elijah inspected Damon's wounds
"your wounds are deep, take my blood you will heal quicker"
he said Elijah bit into his wrist, Damon had wondered for ages how Elijah's blood would taste. Damon took Elijah's wrist in his hands.
"Doctor Elijah huh'' he says "has a nice ring to it" Damon smirked before lowering his mouth onto Elijah's wrist. He sank his teeth into his wrist looking up at Elijah then closing his eyes and drinking. Elijah's skin felt like it was on fire and Damon loved the taste of his blood, he came back up and they were less than an inch away from each other's lips.
"You know,"
Damon started to say,
"you owe me a rug"
"Why me?"
Elijah asked, none of them closing or growing the distance between them.
"Well, you did kill them on it and now it is stained. Besides, I figured you would have nice ones as you are 1000+ years old... And you know I really really really like... my furniture" Damon says. They both are breathing extremely heavily, almost panting.
"We have to meet Katherine tomorrow,"
Elijah tells Damon.
Damon nods
"I should go,"
Elijah says.
"Mmhmm, why haven't you."
Damon replies
"I don't know."
Elijah breathes out
"You can tell me, Elijah, what is it that you want?"
Damon asks. Elijah takes a slight step forward reducing the distance, even more, their chests close enough to be touching.
he whispers
"tell me what you want Damon"
Damon shakes his head
causing their lips to brush ever so lightly. Their lips are a millimetre away from touching, Damon's lips graze the corner of Elijah's mouth and Elijah was tempted to push Damon into the nearest wall and kiss him and it was all Damon wanted. Caroline, Bonnie, Alaric, Stefan and Elena walked in and Elijah had vamped away unseen but leaving a fazed Damon.

(A/N - I'm SORRY. Don't kill me. I know, I know you wanted them to kiss. My apologies, but omg that was intense. THEY SHOULD'VE KISSED)

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