Part 2: Hating him for needing him

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(A/N - the time jumps throughout the story might not follow the plot lines exactly episodically but don't worry it won't get confusing. We are going slightly back a couple of hours at the beginning of this chapter. Also sorry for the repetition and slow-moving story. Also, I hope you enjoyed that first one.)

Elijah POV.

When I had heard that Rose and Trevor had found a human doppelganger from the Petrova bloodline, I was thrilled to see if it was true. If it is true and she exists I must protect her from my brother Niklaus and make sure he does not find her. I arrived at the location Rose had requested to meet at. She wanted to offer me a deal, set her and her brother free in return for the doppelganger, now if I wished I could have taken the doppelganger with or without a deal but Rose was brave and strong, she spent her life running from my family she deserved freedom from my brother.

"Rose, Travis thank you for informing me of the doppelganger you are free to live and have no reason to fear Niklaus, I give you my word"

But then her brother tried to act tough and questioned me which annoyed me. You see when young arrogant vampires show attitude the best thing to do is to kill them, lesson learnt, I tore his heart from his chest and turned to face a shell shocked Rose who let out an incredibly high pitched scream, I waited for her to finish,

"I promised the two of you the freedom to a life without fear from Klaus, I never said I would not kill you, your brother got on my nerves, my apologies"

I take out my pocket watch to see the time

"you may leave now"

Rose ran out crying.

"I'm sure you have any questions, miss?"


She replied

"Elena Gilbert"

"Very well then, Elena"

I smiled at her gesturing for her to take a seat

"let's have a chat".

3rd person POV.

After talking to him for a while, Elena realised Elijah wasn't a bad person. Something about him reminded her about Damon, of course, Elijah was kinder, wiser and more serious. Elena listened intently as Elijah explained to her that he wishes to protect her from Niklaus and has no intention to cause her any harm. He told Elena she has to choose between her life or the life of her loved ones. He explained how when his brother does eventually come he will kill everyone she cares about and her or if she is lucky just her. Elijah told her how they met Katerina in the 1600s and how she ran away from Klaus when she learnt his intention. Katherine was always selfish, she thinks of no one but herself. In the 1600's she put Rose and Travis on the spot to save her own life. Elijah became so occupied explaining his family to Elena and why Klaus needed her that he didn't hear Stefan and Damon come in. Elena agreed to sacrifice herself for her friends if needed and Elijah was pleased, he shook her hand and said

"I hope it doesn't come to that"

it was only then had he heard a voice all too familiar to him whisper

  "what are you doing, come back, you idiot"

it couldn't be he was sure that his fate wasn't so tragic to run into the last person he was expecting.

"We have company,"

Elijah told Elena. He tried to grab her but it was too late for she had already run into Stefan's arms and they were escaping. He chased after them, sure he would catch them but he was caught by surprise from the figure behind the pillar and the recognition he had for the silhouette. It couldn't be, he was sure that he didn't want it to be, but at the same time couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement.

Elijah POV.

I had Elena. I had her, I was ready to take her and speed away but the next thing I knew I was attacked by a vervain grenade, Elena threw it onto my face I can't trust her. Oh and now someone is charging at me with a stake. The fool had no idea that a stake would not affect me, I am after all an original. As I felt the stake plunged through my chest I saw my attacker, I knew him. I felt my arms and legs and chest starts to desiccate and just before my face desiccated I heard him call out my name.

A couple of moments later my body returned to normal and I comprehended what had just happened. Elena's gone. I died. I know my attacker. I was shocked that even though temporary the boy was quite literally the cause of my death, how aggravatingly inconvenient, Elena's protector is none other than the guy I hate Damon Salvatore, and now I will be in his life and see more of him, but why did that make me happy? The only reason which made sense was that now I know I can kill the elder Salvatore myself.

Damon POV.

The car ride home was calm and quiet. We were all full of relief. We had Elena and we saved her. Elena told us everything she had learnt about the originals, including the fact that they can't be killed by a stake meaning Elijah isn't dead, which probably meant he will come back for revenge that made me grin because now I can kill the infuriating vampire painfully and do it myself. That's the only reason.

Stefan drops Elena home and then we both brothers go back to the Salvatore Boarding House. I go to my room to get out of my current clothes and change into a T-shirt and sweatpants. I pour myself a glass of Bourbon and sit down and drink it. I sense Stefan come into my room so I pour him a glass too.

"Damon, what happened when you staked Elijah, you froze almost as if you knew him."

he says. I reply instantly

"what do you mean Stefan, I was just shocked I killed well temporarily killed an original, besides just be happy we got Elena"

Stefan looked at me with curiosity. I know he was trying to figure out why I reacted to killing Elijah and he wanted to know how we knew each other,

"Something happened today Damon and you're not telling me. You know Elijah, what are you not telling me?"

he asks.

I wish I knew what to tell him, I was clueless myself

"Relax Brother, it's nothing, would I lie to you?" I tell him


he replies blatantly, we laugh

"I'm glad we got Elena back. Oh and Damon, thanks for helping Elena today. Goodnight."

I turned out my lights and before he left I called out

"Glad I could help brother, goodnight"

I lied back on my bed and fell asleep dreaming of the days in 1942.

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