Part 10: Royal rugs from Spain

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(A/N - so we are going to skip a lot of what happened in s2, and go to the sacrifice in the next part, not part 10. 11 or 12. And in this part or the next Klaus will be introduced and/or Mikael will wake up. I know it might seem confusing if you know the whole show but I will try to make it not that confusing.)

Damon POV.

Elijah left as the others came in leaving me stunned. What would have happened if they didn't all walk-in? They all came rushing in towards me, looking at the chains and dead bodies. Right forgot about that. I assure everyone I am fine and explain what happened, excluding what happened with Elijah, except the fact he helped and he is back.
"Wait, so the wolves attacked you because you killed Mason Lockwood, they want the moonstone but you didn't have it Katherine does but you don't know where Katherine is?" Caroline says. I nod, of course, I knew where Katherine was, she is at Elena's house looking for the white oak ash, she is checking in all the houses again she thinks that we are incapable of searching properly, the group doesn't know Bonnie, Elijah, Katherine and I are working together on a different plan.
"How are we meant to find Katherine?"
Stefan asked
"she has the moonstone we need to get off her."
He says. That's where he is mistaken, I have the moonstone, I had Bonnie hide it, she is the only one who knows where it is, not Elijah nor Katherine, not even I knew as Bonnie is the only one who can't have her head searched by anyone.
"I can do a locator spell on her."
Bonnie offers, we have to keep up the act so Bonnie had already placed a spell on Katherine which meant only she could see her location according to me and everyone who is not Bonnie the spell is not working. I nod and tell her to do the "spell".
"Bonnie, what do you need for the spell?"
Stefan asks her.
"A personal object, something that belongs to Katherine,"
she says. How are we supposed to get that, I don't have her stuff lying around. Stefan nods and runs upstairs and comes back down with a picture of Katherine from 1864. Elena looks at him confused and almost betrayed.
"Why do you have a picture of your ex?"
I asked.
"I don't know, I just do I guess."
Uh oh, the wrong answer, he is getting death stares from Elena, if Stefan wasn't already dead, he would be six feet under.
"She looks beautiful there, besides I think it's sweet to keep a memory"
Caroline piped in.
"It's creepy."
I say.
Bonnie rolls her eyes
"can we get on with it?"
She cut her hand and dropped her blood on the photo. She started reciting her Latin incantations before dropping the blood off of the picture onto the map in front of her. The blood didn't move to a specific location, instead, it spread across the whole map.
"I don't know, I can't find her, she's being protected by another witch."
"Go home guys, take the rest of the afternoon off, we can get back to preparing to fight Klaus."
Stefan tells them.
They all murmur in agreement and start getting ready to leave when the bell rings. We all look at each other, now what? Tyler goes to open the door. No one is there. He brings inside a cylindrical package.
"What is it?"
Bonnie asks.
Tyler shrugs
"I don't know, there's a note, it's for Damon,"
he says and everyone looks at me in confusion. I vamp over to him and snatch the note off him. I sat on the couch and I was about to start reading it unaware of the presence of a Bennett witch when I saw Little Gilbert and useless Donovan had managed to open the package by "accident".
"It's a rug"
they say. I press my lips together to suppress a smile, Bonnie looks at me questioningly. I quickly look away and say
"How did the useless Gilbert - Donovan brain trust manage to open up the package?"
They rolled their eyes.
"Ok guys come on let's go, let him read his note, besides we have the dance tomorrow," Caroline says and starts ushering everyone out of the house. Stefan once again starts to leave with Elena, they're planning something and hiding something. I leave it for now.
"Erm, you know what actually, I might stay here. It still feels weird going back home without my grams there and after the whole moonstone thing"
Bonnie says. It was a half-truth, half-lie, we were going to wake up Papa Original after they left but I know Bonnie is still upset.
"If you don't mind that is?"
She says. I nod
"of course."
They all nod and tell Bonnie and me to take care and finally leave. I sit back on the couch with Bonnie looming over me and read the note, I let Bonnie read it with me.
'To My young Raven,
You are indeed no damsel in distress and I am sure you would've saved yourself from the wolves. I offered you a bit of help so you could get out quicker. I understand how much you like your furniture and I did ruin your rug. Here's a gift to you from me. A rug from the year 1255, I gained on one of my many adventures. When Eleanor of Castile married Edward I of England in the year 1255, she brought along many fine Spanish rugs, which came from Cordoba or Granada as gifts to and for her people, now I give this to you.
Enjoy, sincerely Elijah Mikaelson'
I let out a hearty laugh at his note and couldn't help but smile. Bonnie was looking at me curiously. I just shrugged my shoulder at her and she raised her eyebrows.
"What is going on with you and Elijah"
she asks? I sigh, not knowing how she will react
"Bonbon I am about to tell you something I haven't told anyone and you cannot tell a soul"
She made a cross on her heart sign.
"I like him."
I blurt out. She covered her mouth and looked at me in shock. She started to squeal like a maniac, I told her to calm down and drop the Caroline spirit.
"Have you told him?"
She asks me.
"What the hell of course not, besides I like him, I doubt he likes me"
I reply. She looks at me as if I have just said something in Spanish.
I ask her.
"Right so he just goes around calling everyone 'Young raven'?"
She questions. I shrug
"It's a nickname."
She exclaims
"I don't know Elijah well but he does not have nickname. Also, the use of 'My' means something."
She wiggles her eyebrows. I shake my head
"Ooo yes it does , it means he wants you badly. I don't see the problem you want him a lot and so does he, you both want to get hot and heavy with each other so why don't you. Maybe after we get Mikael we can lock you in that tomb."
I throw a pillow at her
She cackles and shakes her head. She gets up to leave.
"Where are you going?"
I ask her.
"We have to go meet Katherine, remember, she is waiting for us at the tomb where Mikael's coffin is. We have to wake him up. Also, Elijah is there, we have to go meet your Loverboy" she teases
I say warningly. She just laughs hysterically and walks out, I sigh and follow her.
We arrive at the location and outside a sealed tomb are Katherine and Elijah. Bonnie and I walk over to the two of them.
"Took you long enough."
Katherine says.
"Did you find the white oak"
I ask her
She shakes her head and replies
"Nope. What took you so long?"
"Well, as much as I would love to watch you die, apparently we can't let you die, so we had to get a vampire for Mikael."
I tell her by sending her a fake smile. She scoffs. Elijah ignores Katherine and me and walks over to Bonnie.
"Ms Bennett I apologise for how we first met, you have unmatched power and I would rather have you as an ally, not an enemy. I know how the witches feel about vampires so I thank you deeply for your help. I hope we can start afresh"
he tells her and offers his hand. Bonnie accepts it and replies
"I think our alliance will be mutually beneficial."
Lightly giggling. He looks at her then me curiously, I resist the urge to facepalm. Elijah walks over to me. Now he notices me, sure took his time. He has his hands in his pocket
"Damon'' he nods his head at me. I roll my eyes and give him a stiff smile.
"Hello, Elijah."
I say. His eyebrows shoot out in curiosity.
"Is there an issue?"
I shake my head. Yes. First, you rescue me, then nearly kiss me and then take your time to acknowledge me but I can't tell you that.
"Just peachy"
I say turning away from him. He pulls me back to face him concerned now
"Did something happen?"
I sigh and shake my head
"I received a package today from someone, it was a gift."
I tell Elijah looking at him. The corners of his lips turned upwards and he shakes his head fondly.
"Well, then I hope you enjoyed your gift," he says. We lightly laughed while Katherine remained confused and Bonnie tried to not gush, she prepared for the spell. Elijah and I make eye contact and our gazes remain on each other for a while.
"It was perfect. The gift."
And turn away at a sniggering Bonnie.
"Now that whatever that was is done can we get back to waking Mikael?"
Katherine says.
"The seal is too strong. I need to channel more power. Katherine is ready to break the door and tomb completely. The seal will only stay down for about 15 seconds but if you get the coffin out we can do it. Damon and Elijah, stand on each point inside the circle and join one hand with me and one with each other. I am going to channel your power to lift the seal and break his chains and open the coffin. Are we ready?"
Bonnie asks. I place my hand in hers giving her dirts to her smug face as Elijah takes my hand. She did that on purpose.
Bonnie starts the spell and the seal on the tomb are released. Katherine breaks down the four walls of the tomb and brings out the coffin. Elijah and I are impressed she pulled it off. Bonnie continues chanting till the chains break off and the coffin opens. She releases us and we feel our energy returning after she channelled from us. This time Bonnie seemed ok with the amount of power she handled. The body of a desiccated vampire was lying in the coffin.
"It's time to wake him up,"
Katherine said. Elijah and I nod, I bite the new vampire and Elijah feeds him to Mikael. Couple of minutes later Mikael shoots up.
"Morning Father."
"Great, you are awake, let's discuss a plan."
Elijah says with a smirk on his face, looking at his shocked father.

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